Nature Break: It is Skipper Season!

Taking a few moments to change direction from my normal posting routine because I noticed something tiny, really fast and somewhat orange flit around on our lavender blossoms, earlier today.


It is Skipper season!

Skippers are tiny butterflies that typically fly quite late in the year — late summer and into fall — and they move extremely quickly, giving the impression they are "skipping" across the landscape.


It is my understanding that they can be found pretty much all over the world and that there are many many species of them. I remember them well from my childhood in Denmark where their presence usually coincided with cherry season and the beginning of blackberry season.


Well, it's almost blackberry season here in the Pacific Northwest as well, and indeed it seems that it coincides with skipper season here too.

I'm not sure why these tiny butterflies have almost always made me happy on some level I can't quite put my finger on, but somehow they give me a sense of comfort every time they see I see them.


Although they're very challenging to photograph (they don't sit still!) I invariably go and find my camera to head out and (attempt to) take pictures of them! Or at least I try. Sometimes it can be an endeavor that takes a couple of hours and I don't even get a single decent shot, just a lot of blurry flowers!

I don't mind too much. After all, I'm always open to taking a "nature" break, and I don't need a lot of excuses to do so!


What I'm sharing in this post basically represent the best outcomes of this morning's attempts.

I pondered to myself whether this was even "important" enough to warrant making a post about, and then I realized that this is one of those occasions where this definitely is my blog, and the beauty of the Hive blockchain being immutable and all that good stuff is exactly the fact that this is a good place to "park" moments from our lives that somehow feel significant to us, even if to nobody else. So parking parking these photos here will serve as a future reminder of something that happened on this day!


Besides, it was also a good excuse to make my first post to the Amazing Nature Community because these tiny creatures represent part of my amazing nature! All the photos are my own; pictured are at least there, maybe four different specimens.

Meanwhile, I get to share something of our local fauna, and perhaps that will be of interest to other nature buffs here on Hive!

Thanks for stopping by to have a look!

How about you? Do you like to take nature breaks? Are there any particular animals/insects that have "seasonal meaning" to you? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT posted anywhere else!)
Created at 2023-08-13 14:10 PDT


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