My fox visitor

Hello nature people!

I live in this gorgeous little spot where there are lots of birds(mostly common enough birds, but sometimes we get a sparrow hawk), squirrels, frogs and some foxes. Quite often I will be sitting on my couch and I will spot a fox who comes from the corner of our house and I can just see them through the french door! And sometimes when the fox appears he has a little look inside!

They have a habit of going out to the back garden though! There is a pond that they sometimes drink out of, but also a gate that leads into an estate behind ours. They sit in the garden sometimes and since I started seeing the foxes I have been trying to get a photograph of them! I have a very old DSLR camera and usually it is too dark to get a decent photograph. I have to slowly open the window to take a photo so as not to scare them off. This usually means I don't have time to set up a tripod to take a low light stable photo.

Fast forward to now, I have gotten a new phone, a Samsung S21 Ultra. This phone has some amazing lenses for a phone! Among them a native 3x optical zoom lens, and a 10x periscope lens. These are by no means DSLR quality but they are definitely amazing for what they are!

So I am sitting in my sitting room and I spot the fox! I watch as he goes out the back garden, so I run through my house and quietly open the window in the bedroom before the fox arrives. He wanders about and settles here for a few minutes! I take my opportunity and capture these photos!

The last of these three photos is later in the evening so it had gotten a bit darker!




I hope you enjoyed my little ramble about trying to get some nice photos of the local fox who comes visiting in our garden.


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