Nearby Nature ~ the creek after a storm


After a very dry spring the sight of clouds on the horizon is a welcome one. I am so glad to say that the mountain range has been blessed with many storms over the last few weeks and the creeks have filled with water once again.


The landscapes are green and bursting with flowers. When I walk along the creek I hear birds of all types and even saw a wild boar. The creek is a corridor for wildlife. It is against the law to fence off the creek and as a result deer, terrestrial birds, horses, goats, humans, and the very occasional boar roam this waterway freely and all the pastures and forests that it connects together.


A few days ago we sat beside the creek and enjoyed the cool water and sunshine bouncing off the rocks. We actually live and work alongside this creek. Both our current home where we are caretakers and our future home which we are slowly building ourselves, is along this creek. Years ago when we were searching for a small parcel of our own, I prayed to be able to stay in this amazing area and, if possible, live alongside this very creek.

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Although I am not from here, I was actually born in a totally different continent, I feel a deep connection with this place. I don't mean this country of even this province necessarily, I mean this exact micro climate, this area that surrounds the creek. The connection is deepening constantly. It is a relationship! This micro-climate has provided us with so many resources, from the stone with which we are building our fence and home, to herbs for medicine, and of course, a very therapeutic place to bathe.

Part of living in relationship with this creek is to also give back in the ways we can. Really the main way is by picking up trash while on our walks and especially in the sections that are adjacent to where we live or our land. Tourists are unlikely to leave trash behind in a pristine landscape. But, if they see piles of trash already there they may not think much of dropping their candy wrappers and beer cans in the pile too.


After our work sessions on the land my partner and I have made a habit of washing off in the creek and bathing in the evening rays of the sun before heading home. It is a magical moment that leaves us feeling so refreshed and renewed.

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