Pink-White Rose

Assalamualaikum.Hello everyone, how are you all? I am fine. Today is the day of showing something different. In this day I want to show you some of my beautiful photography of nature .


Rose flower photography is attractive and charming in white and pink colors. The original color of the rose is red but a most beautiful version of the white rose. It combines the natural youthfulness of white and the brightness of contours. White is responsible for shape and many say that white represents completeness and creativity. A white-pink rose flower is a mixed color that combines two colors, white and pink. This discoloration is identified as a form of beauty.

A better English term for white-pink rose flowers is "Bicolor rose". This type of flower is full of beauty, usually drinking in the garden or flower show. One of their top attractions is the attractive two color stripes. Rose flowers have a variety of white and pink colors that express their uniqueness and beauty from other flowers.






A white-pink hope usually finds a home in good ecosystem gardens because the color of these flowers makes for an interesting episode to observe. The white-pink rose color is contained in the growth process of the plant and the blossoming of this flower turns into an attractive image in the rain.

Being of middle class type, these flowers are believed in beauty and love. Because they exhibit color as one of their most attractive attractions. Showing an example of white-pink rose flower photography highlights that attractiveness and showcases the beauty of the flower.

I hope you like these pictures today. Please comment how it felt. Everyone will be good and healthy. I finished here today. Later I will appear with some more photography. Thank you all.

No more today Take care of yourself and your family. Thanks in advance for watching my post.

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