Inoculation of efficient microorganisms and the possibility of developing organic agriculture

Microorganisms used in agriculture have had a wide diffusion in recent years, due to the boom of the green revolution that has emerged, having a positive effect on the yield of many crops in different situations.

▶ Credits: unsplash. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Credits: permaculturenew. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Inoculation with these microorganisms represents a new technology that gives the possibility to develop an organic agriculture, besides improving the productivity of agricultural systems in the long term.

They serve as a clean alternative to the abusive use of pesticides and conventional fertilizers. Countries such as Brazil have become leaders in the production of this technology, with figures of 700 tons per month applied in agriculture and livestock.

Here, several microorganisms are commonly used in agricultural practices and others will be used in the future because of their capacity to reestablish the biological balance in soils that may have deteriorated.

In addition to improving nutrient assimilation, it suppresses pathogenic microorganisms that are undesirable for crops, thus favoring foliage growth and increasing the photosynthetic area of the plant.

▶ Credits: unsplash. – [Image of Public Domain]

Consequently, there is a better elaboration of photoassimilates and a better productivity is achieved. ME can be used in different ways, one of them is spraying on the foliage.

NOTE: Reference material.

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