Amazing Nature Contest - February 2020 - #04 - CLOSED

Hello Nature Lovers !


I would like to cordially invite you to another great week of the Amazing Nature Contest. There were already so many excellent entries regarding how amazing nature can be in the past episodes, thanks to all of you, but there is still so much more to see! ^^ To participate in the #amazingnature contests just create a post that shows how amazing nature is for you personally. This can be anything from a beautiful flower or animal to an astonishing sunset.

What is the Purpose of the Contest ?

I am a huge lover of nature and really enjoy to take pictures of all the lovely things that surround me every day, no matter if those are plants, animals or landscapes. I found Steemit to be a brilliant place to find and watch nature pictures from all over the world. There is such a diversity of great content out there, thanks to all of you, from different perspectives and out of various motivations. I would like to collect all those beautiful snapshots and their amazing stories in a weekly compilation so that you can all benefit from the beauty that we are facing all the time, but so often are not able to appreciate in the modern and fast paced times we are living in.

This #amazingnature contest is at home in the DNA-Discord, a organization run by people for the people, with the aim to foster and densify nature-appreciation in the blockchain. DNA is also the home of the #featheredfriends hosted by amazing @melinda010100 🦢.


Contest Rules :

  • POST your entry INTO the AMAZING NATURE COMMUNITY. This makes it a part of the community and visible to all other members of the community. You can add the #amazingnature TAG after it if you like. The hive-tag of the community is #hive-127788.

  • CLEARLY MENTION that your post is an ENTRY for this contest.

  • All pictures have to be your own. You can use the amazing nature banner if you like or create your own.

  • STATE IN THE TEXT why those pictures are representing YOUR AMAZING NATURE. This is an ESSENTIAL part of this contest.

  • Drop the LINK to your post IN THE COMMENTS. You can add a picture if you like. It is NECESSARY as I have to post a link in Discord on Friday, 5 days later for voting and also for my own compiling purposes.

  • The entry window is open for ~ 5 DAYS. Watch out for the -CLOSED in the title.

If you miss the entry, please wait for the next round. As I have to work and also a family to manage, there are no fixed UTC times and the window can open in a wide range between 10 am - 10 pm and therfore also close accordingly ^^

  • By the way, the AMAZING NATURE COMMUNITY (#hive-127788) is there FOR ALL POSTS ABOUT THE AMAZING NATURE AROUND YOU that are not necessarily a contest entry. We would highly appreciate it if you share your great nature content there with us! .. But the contest is also located in this community as an integrated part and special feature .. You can also still use the #amazingnature tag if you like for post that you are locating in other communities.

Possible Topics :

As nature covers an incredible wide range there is really anything possible. Amazing Natures categories could be anything from the following topics:

  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • Geology
  • Landscapes
  • Philosophy
  • ... Surprise us ^^


Prizes to Win :

  • 1st Place : 3 SBI
  • 2nd Place : 2 SBI
  • 3rd Place : 1 SBI

I will always try my best to link and present all participants of Amazing Nature in the entries section of the announcement posts that will be published roughly one week later on Sunday (depending on my time schedule this may shift some time ^^). This way you will have a nice compilation of them all. As an special feature, the new title picture of the contest will be created from the entry of the contest winner. This time it is from @joanstewart.

How are the Winners choosen ?

The voting for the winners will be done by the whole DNA community. Therefore we created a special contest channel in the DNA Discord (Amazing Nature Contest). Here I will post the announcement post including the winners (Announcements) EACH SUNDAY together with all your entries (Entries) EACH FRIDAY. Every member of DNA will be able to assign "voting emojies" under the entries for 24 HOURS and in the end those three with the most of them are the lucky winners. This I hope should lead to a more objective consideration than just involving myself as a judge. I will engage as a judge in case of a draw ^^



This weeks winner of the contest is @joanstewart with her entry about the nearly complete metamorphosis cycle of the Nymphalidae. It all started with a little caterpillar that she found on her lobster flower in the garden, eating it up slowly. Shortly after that he already started wrapping up into a pupa in just a couple of hours. Then, after a bit more than a week, finally a beautiful butterfly emerged to freedom. Her post is really beautiful one that, in addition, is full of details and explanations. So if you are interested in more, just give it a look. Thank you very much for your great and amazing entry Joan!



Here we have an entry from @porters. She recently saw two Lynx right in the middle of the road facing off! Those are usually considered to be nocturnal, but luckily she managed to take some pictures of them with her mobile camera during daytime. Next to some great more details about the Lynx she shows us some great closeup pictures from Bluejays birds that were resting in her yard. Thank you for your very firs entry and congratulation to being directly voted into the winner ranks!

lynx walking by side of road.jpg
close up  bluejay on pine branch with snow head turned backwards looking at me.JPG


Here we have the very first entry of @letalis-laetitia to the contest. She posted a super cute and beautiful post about Aiko and Mia, her two lovely birds. Aiko is only a week older than Mia and both are showing such endless love for each other and love to cuddle. This is so sweet and hearth warmening to watch. Both feathered friends and their similarities, differences, behaviors and relationship are desribed in such a brilliant detailed way, accompanied by amazing pictures, in nearly 2000 words. Far to much to summarize it here, but an a highly recommended read that is really enjoyable and leaves you with the feeling that you now this birdies and their personalities as if they were your own. Thank you very much for this great and excellent entry ^^






















Copy of Purple Jazz Music Photo Collage.png









This weeks feature is about @davidgermano. He is a steemian from Portugal that is mainly interested in biology, ecology, biodiversity, nature and natural landscapes and wildlife photography. Therefore he fits perfectly into the Amazing Nature Community and I am glad that he found us there and joined in. I hope to see many more great posts from you in the future ^^




DNA - Densifying Nature-Appreciation:


DNA is an organization, managed by @medro-martin, to foster and DENSIFY NATURE-APPRECIATION which aims to establish REPORTS OF BIODIVERSITY DATA that is contributed by all of us Steemians and subsequently cataloged.

Therefore DNA searches for HIGH-QUALITY posts that aim to DESCRIBE and determine the BIODIVERSITY AROUND YOU with added EXPLANATIONS and INFORMATIONS. For these informative posts they offer a CURATION SERVICE using the @dna.steem account. It is also a CURATION TRAIL. Just add the #dna TAG if you think that any of your posts is what they are looking for.

At the moment DNA is also the home of the #amazingnature contest for all your post about the amazing nature all around us and also the home of the #featheredfriends hosted by the lovely @melinda010100 🦢 for all you great posts about our feathered friends ^^ But we hope that more nature related communities will join, or maybe some Steemians start their own little project there ;) .. Maybe even you?

If you are INTERESTED in DNA, please do not hesitate to ask about it, or directly JOIN US in the DNA DISCORD ;)

"By The People, For The People"


Steem Terminal Discord:


There is another initiative here on Steem that I would like to bring close to you as I absolutely love them, the Steem Terminal:


It is a great location for LEARNING ABOUT STEEM, Discord, and Steem-related communities, full of nice people that you may ask if you need ASSISTANCE, with nearly everything ^^ You will find documents to assist you, a place to learn and practice, and find out about the many opportunities to form CONNECTIONS with other Steemians.

It also host the REDFISH RALLY, a funny challenge for all those that are new here to the world of Steem. The Terminal also hosts the HEYHAVEYAMET project by @heyhaveyamet, which introduces all new steemians on a daily basis, so that you don't have to search for them ^^

So why not joining us in the STEEM TERMINAL DISCORD? You will not regret it ^^

"Your one-stop location for learning about destinations in the Steem blockchain and Discord"


Amazing Nature Community:


You all asked for one and here it is, the AMAZING NATURE COMMUNITY. It is dedicated to all you Nature Lovers out there, no matter if Zoology, Botany, Landscapes or Philosophy ^^ You will also find many entries to the contest in there. It has the #hive-127788 tag and you can find it here:


Currently I have 39 Nature Lovers on my autovote, which is set to 20% for 1 daily upvote at the moment. I still reserve some voting power for manual curating on nature content when needed. In addition the voting trail also incluedes 100% votes on dna, steemterminal and heyhaveyamet as I support all three projects.

Previous Participants :

I thank all of you who participated and voted this week and hope that you enjoyed the Amazing Nature Contest. I am looking forward to more excellent content every week ^^. Of course this format is open for all kind of critics that can increase the quality of the contest and I am always happy about anyone who wants to join us on this little adventure.

@akinome @alexanderfluke @alinix @annamarina @annephilbrick @apnigrich @artofwisdom @angelro @antoniarhuiz @atomcollector @bahttg @belkisa758 @bigsambucca @brittandjosie @bucipuci @careassaktart @cocolefleur @davidesimoncini @derekrichardson @dkkarolien @dzoji @elkezaksek @ellenripley @engrsayful @farm-mom @haastrecht @gingbabida @hangin @iamraincrystal @ireenchew @irvet @isabelpena @joanstewart @joebtc @johannpiber @julianhorack @justclickindiva @kamrunnahar @karbon @kheys @letalis-laetitia @lighteye @leslierevales @manojbhatt @manuelramos @mariacaffrey @melinda010100 @mers @mintymile @misschance @molometer @myjob @mysteriousroad @nelinoeva @nilom @ninahaskin @offgridlife @paradigm42 @phortun @porters @qwerrie @redheadpei @sarimanok @sayee @sallybeth23 @seadbeady @s3rg3 @theoctoberwind @thesobuz @travelsbyblue @trincowski @viking-ventures @whatisnew @wongbraling

If you want me to take you out of the list, or if you don't want your picture, in the case you are the winner, to be used as a new title picture, just let me know about it in the comments.



Best wishes,

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