[PT-BR/EN] Guia completo da HiveBR: tutoriais, dicas e mais!

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Bem-vindo ao índice guia da comunidade HiveBR! Aqui, você encontrará uma coletânea dos melhores tutoriais, dicas e postagens que já foram publicados em nosso blog. Este guia foi criado para ajudar tanto novatos quanto membros mais experientes a encontrar facilmente os recursos de que precisam para aproveitar ao máximo a plataforma Hive.

1. Primeiros passos na Hive

2. Produzindo conteúdo de qualidade

3. Interagindo na comunidade

4. Monetização e recompensas

HiveBR Discord

Todo o conteúdo, imagens e edições foram produzidos por @xlety para a comunidade @HiveBR.
Capa: criada com Canva.


Welcome to the HiveBR community guide index! Here, you will find a collection of the best tutorials, tips, and posts that have been published on our blog. This guide was created to help both newcomers and more experienced members easily find the resources they need to make the most out of the Hive platform.

1. Getting Started with Hive

What is Hive and how does it work?: A beginner's guide that explains the basics of the Hive platform.
How to create your Hive account: A step-by-step guide to creating your account and getting started with the community.
Setting up and managing your wallet: Tips for securely configuring and managing your Hive wallet using Hive Keychain.

2. Creating Quality Content

How to create engaging posts: Tips for writing posts that attract community attention.
Using images and formatting on Hive: How to optimize the appearance of your posts to make them more appealing.

3. Interacting with the Community

How to follow curation trails on Hive: The importance of optimizing your votes in the best way.
How to participate in specific communities: Finding and engaging with communities of interest within Hive.

4. Monetization and Rewards

How rewards work on Hive: An explanation of the reward system and how to maximize it.

HiveBR Discord

All content, images, and edits were produced by @xlety for the @HiveBR community.
Cover: created with Canva.

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