POLL - Unlocking of Splinterlands Soulbound cards

How many Soulbound cards do you still plan on unlocking?


We are considering creating the feature but probably not if people have either unlocked most of their cards already with the completely viable Splinterlands UI or if there is still lots of people interested or that are dreading unlocking them 1 by 1 but would rather do in bulk let us know.

It doesn't really benefit us at all and we're not promising to do it... BUT... if there are enough people we will be more likely

POLL - Unlocking of Splinterlands Soulbound cards
You may select 1 choices
I am done unlocking
I am not unlocking any
I will unlock 1-5 cards
I will unlock 6-15 cards
I will unlock 16-30 cards
I will unlock 31-75 cards
I will unlock 76+ cards
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2 columns
1 column
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