On Inner Beauty


National Inner Beauty Day

Melani won my respect long before we dated. I thought I might share some personal anecdotes from my life in celebration of National Inner Beauty Day today. I remember by happenstance we met playing Overwatch. Over time we would come to hang out following our work days, and on weekends, we'd gather earlier to party up for games, in a group setting.

It was during one of these conversations while gaming, she explained how she valued independence. She moved out on her own, made ends meet and had most of her possessions with her in a place on her own dime. If anyone asks me, it was this moment that set her apart.

I believe her determination shines. At unsuspecting moments, she inspires me, because she doesn't lack ambition. She smolders with it.

In fact, when I write these words and think to myself, I keep a company of those whose beauty does shine from within.


Take, Frosty, for example.

It might not be conventional to call a man beautiful, but then again, I don't write for conventions. I write for my own self-expression. And I haven't been struck by one man's humility in a long time. I mean, I don't ask much from others, because I know that if I can ask, I can also reach for it myself. In fact, I don't like being a burden, so I'll only accept if someone truly insists. And if I accept, I do so gratefully- always.

So, imagine me, silently refusing to accept gifts, expecting to pay for myself for everything, while looking for work. Then imagine Frosty, who on a whim, said he would be passing by neck of the woods. To meet him for a trip to the museum, dinner and then have him leave me with a parting gift still sticks out in my mind. I'm determined to visit him where he lives.


Fast forward a bit, then picture the same Frosty, coming by my neck of the woods, again, after I've moved from my parents home. He had his own reasons, but he chose a detour just to visit us at our place- yet again. He picks me up in a Range Rover, a luxury vehicle just bestowed upon him at the rental office, for what I know is his charismatic, never domineering attitude.

Envision my joy as I sit unlicensed, passenger side in a car most celebrities flaunt, listening to R&B music with my friend as we miss exits back to my place. I know we all have our woes, but I don't think Frosty, troubles and all, has ever let a thing stop him in his life. Even his coming of age inspires me now, to invite him to hustles and endeavors, because I know no effort is beneath him. He does things without being asked, without asking anything in return.

Such beautiful people in my life.

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