Finding Coolness in Hot Showers and Unemployment: Navigating Life's Contradictions


Apparently, you take a hot shower in the summer, so you body feels cooler relative to the heat. It's in part the reason some cultures drink hot tea in warmer climates. How unintuitive. The hot drink promotes perspiration, effectively cooling you off. Things appear to be heating up despite climate research claims that a global cool down approaches.

The hot seat feels particularly uncomfortable since they cancelled the job I applied for. I might really have to blog for a living. That'd be more exciting of a prospect if survival weren't acutely attached. The optimism of a man wanes in proportion to his hunger.

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I didn't get the job, but I still got one: to keep reading. Data finds that almost 1 in 5 Americans reads like a sixth-grader. Even if this opportunity doesn't pan out as anticipated, the next one awaits between the lines; that's where I read.

So this McKinsey research out to up my price, since the game plan says: double down on your strengths. What are my strengths, again?

I'm a naturally curious reader, if nothing else. I'm progressing the knowledge base to completely process my style of content creation. Take today's brush with "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People".

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"I am willing to fail." I'm seeking work while actively building monetizable skills.

Seek to understand, then be understood

I cannot undermine Covey's efforts but I appreciate his metaphor. How many times have you prescribed before your diagnosis? I've been the culprit many times, but Covey's correct, the professional diagnoses the matter first, prescribes solutions second.

More or less, unless we do what Covey calls emphatic listening, we fall into these 4 tracks when listening:

  • we evaluate - we agree or disagree instinctively
  • we probe - from our frame of reference, we ask questions
  • we advise - counsel others based on our experience
  • we interpret - try to figure people out, explain their motives, their behavior

The fourth often leads to a bias I looked into very often called fundamental attribution error.

Let it be known, in the next few months, as I seek out opportunities for myself, a commitment to follow the writings of books might be the only thing in my power to secure better wages. That covenant begins with a promise to myself to grow.

I hope that my readers who appreciate my work might continue to support my endeavors in these trying times.

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