Who's the boss and why it matters

I was going to reply to a post I enjoyed. However, when the post grew to over 1,000 words I decided it needed to be its own post.

What post am I referring to?

@galenkp/infinitesimal by @galenkp (which I'm sure you could have guessed from the URL..but I also think I should ping him so he knows he got a response).

I would recommend you read the article as its quite good. However for the lazy...The quick version is that: A lot of positive small steps work out to a good outcome. A positive attitude and helping others creates happiness. Being a small person doing small things but taking BIG offense is a sure way to be unhappy.

My summary only. Feel free to bring you own conclusions.

To quote his article :

Making the effort to create small moments of goodness in one's life, rather than creating and spreading infinitesimal and pathetic moments of negativity is going to work in a person's favour every single time...

It was a good article but I wanted to share it a little differently

Allow me to share a story, or perhaps a joke, that I stumbled upon on an old poster some 50 years ago. Despite my efforts to find an author, it appears to be part of oral history passed down through generations. My apologies if there is an actual author who should be credited, but my search yielded no results.

When Man was first created, all the parts of the body convened a meeting to decide who would be the boss:

  • The brain believed it should be the obvious choice, as it was responsible for directing the body in every endeavor.

  • The legs argued that they should be the boss because, without them, the body couldn't go anywhere.

  • The arms put forth their case, asserting that they did the body's work and earned the money needed to support it.

  • Similarly, the eyes, ears, and even the stomach contended that they, too, should hold the position of boss.

After some time and much debate, the Asshole piped up, suggesting that it should be the boss.

Laughter erupted from all the other body parts. This deeply offended the Asshole, prompting it to declare a strike. The rest of the body parts paid it no heed and continued their discussion on who should be the boss.

However, after a day had passed, they all sensed something was amiss. After a few days, the brain struggled to focus, the eyes blurred, the legs weakened, and the arms hung lifeless, unable to perform their tasks.

It wasn't long before the Asshole was declared the boss, and it has been handling the shit ever since.

This story serves as proof that brains aren't always required; any "asshole" can end up as the boss.

A new moral for the story

Source: Pixabay
Now the obvious humor in the statement above is that "Any asshole can be the boss". I'm sure that people through many generations can relate to and smile from that point.

I like to think that there is a much different meaning to the story.

First: Everyone has their own unique purpose

The brains are best for thinking. The hands are best for working. The legs are best for going places and getting things done. The eyes are observant. The ears are awesome for conversation and music. Even the asshole is excellent at dealing with the shit that piles up in everyday life.

The point is that every part is different and every part is essential.

Second: When one part goes on strike everyone suffers

This may seem obvious to many but actually having things work is important. If actors stop acting there are no more movies. If tradespeople stop working then nothing gets built. If mom goes on strike the kids go hungry. Each chore in itself may seem small but society is built around everyone playing a part.

Third: The focus should be on the whole not on the individual parts

The overall message is that it is the body that is important. A lone brain does nothing. Lone legs do nothing. The eyes by themselves do nothing. Indeed each piece individually serves no useful. It is ONLY when they all work together that they have value. It is only when they are complete that they can function.

Fourth: Insults come back to hurt everyone

It was not until the asshole was insulted that it went on strike. In the beginning no-one even noticed the change. In the end the problem was unmistakable. Everyone suffered. Everyone suffered so much that the asshole ended up in charge! All because some insults were hurled when they really should have been.

Unique Worth without Looking down on others

Every person is made different and each has their own unique role to fill. Artists who create music or beauty in art. Scientists who study and find new ways to advance technology and our knowledge of the Universe. Teachers to educate and guide our children. Police who protect and keep order. Even janitors who clean our buildings or maids who take out the trash and tidy the home.

ALL people have value and a task they are suited for doing. Part of the trick to finding happiness is being able to see what that is.

BUT when people start arguing about who is the most important things have a habit of going wrong. If every person is unique and every person has a role to play then no-one should be seen as having less importance. Something that society often totally misses.

@gelankp wrote (and all quotes in this article from him)

Do they feel so sorry for or disappointed in themselves, the person they are, and so blinded by their own situation that they feel they need to constantly bring others down also

Two things with that quote: When people don't see their own value they feel bad. When they feel bad they are likely to try and bring others down with them. As a result everyone loses.

Take home point: Find your role. Find your strengths. Be Happy with who you are and enjoy what you are meant to do. Without thinking you are better than others. A little humility goes a long way!

It's the little things and focus that matter

Another quote from @galenkp article.

I believe one of the best ways to improve one's feeling of self-worth is to increase someone else's, it's not a difficult concept; making others feel good, feels good.

Okay. I didn't love that quote.

Not that I don't agree with it but I do think it can be said better.

I'd say that one of the best ways to improve one's feeling of self-worth is to work towards the goal of the community. Just as every part of the body works towards the goal of the body. When a person helps the community thrive and flourish they are also helping themselves thrive and flourish. Focusing outward for the greater good does exactly that...it improves the greater good of the individual AND those around him.

However, it is not the big "showy" things that make the difference. One grand gesture might be nice but in the end its the small processes that the body does everyday that contribute to its overall function. Take the heart for example: it does the same job all the time. Repetitive, boring, and rarely even noticed. However, once it starts to skip a beat it gets noticed really quickly. It is the same with people. Many people have a boring, repetitive job, same thing over and over day by day. Not noticed and people may not even care. However, its that small step by step work that makes everything flow!

I believe it's the thoughts, attitudes and actions we take on a minute-by-minute basis that help us journey through life

Now just as the small steady step by step beating of the heart leads to life with each tiny beneficial beat. The opposite is true. Take one little hair falling out on a regular basis...soon the body will be bald. Take a small piece of stomach tissue being killed faster than its replaced. Not noticed initially but ends up becoming an ulcer.

Small positive steps day by day lead to a better life.

Small negative steps day by day lead to a lousy life.

Outlook determines Outcome

negative behaviour the person may feel is empowering, valuable and even valid...but in reality is infinitesimal in the grand scheme of things

I have previously mentioned that an outward viewpoint on making the whole body/community leads to a better environment for everyone.

I have also mentioned that it is the little steps in the right direction over time that again lead to a better environment and life for everyone.

However, a Positive Outlook is incredibly important as well.

I personally like to think of a Positive Outlook as "looking up" or looking in the right direction. A Negative Outlook is exactly opposite it's "looking down" or in the wrong direction.

Here's a little thought.

You will never end up at the right spot if you are looking in the wrong direction

A positive attitude will eventually lead to a positive outcome....even though it may not seem like it in the moment.

A negative attitude will eventually lead to a negative outcome....even though it may not seem like it in the moment.

Final Thought

In my personal experience I've gone through a lot of crap. Every day I go to work I wonder what new type of misery awaits me. However, I've stayed at my job for over 25 years.


A positive outlook.

Now I actually enjoy feeling happy. I can't feel happy if I'm feeling sad, anxious or afraid.

Dealing with customers and patients who are miserable often used to take my good morning and turn it into a negative one. Then I started seeing those people as thieves. They were people out to steal MY happiness.

After that I decided not be be robbed by unhappy or grumpy people. They can continue to be negative. They can continue to try and make me unhappy.

But I refuse to let narrowminded or petty people steal my happiness!

Sometimes they succeed but I make a conscious effort to focus on the positive and not let the petty people win.

Just a thought

Again a big:

thank you

to @galenkp for his original article.

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