My new student: Alao


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I want to appreciate Almighty God for the privilege to be alive and to share on this platform once again. Truly, our character matters a lot, there is nothing we do in life that we will not get the reward and people are taking records of all our doings, both young and old people are witnesses of our good and bad behavior.
I was reflecting recently on what happened in my class, I still couldn't get over it. I was baffled by the expression of my students towards a new student that was transferred to my class. I was teaching that particular afternoon. I was having an interactive section with my students on a topic called "occupation" and I laid emphasis on the word "legal" from the definition as a job backed by law. Then I asked them to state examples of such jobs that are legal and those that are illegal. I could feel the joy in the class as many of them were active and contributing in their own best ways. Then all of a sudden the whole class shouted "Ha, Alao". I was confused at first, I saw them motioning their hands towards the entrance. Then I saw an old boy whose name is Alao at the entrance of the class.

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There was pandemonium in the class, I tried to listen to them and from one or two people I could understand their grievances that the boy is very troublesome, he fights and drinks. After the class I took Alao to the staff room and handed him over to the disciplinary chairman where he was asked to bring his parents and also sign an undertaken that he will never bully anyone nor drink again. I watched him cried and then called him to advice him. I made him know that I do not hate him but what I did is to teach him a lesson that people are watching him.

Image designed by @seunnara

I told him if one of his classmates happened to be among the panel of people that will give him job or help him in future that is how he will be disqualified. I made him see reasons why we must put others and our future into consideration before doing anything and also encourage him to be a better person. To the glory of God for the past two weeks Alao has changed, he is early in school, he is more calm and caring.
I was on my seat, when this incident came to my mind again and I was ruminating on how people has turned life into something else, what children are learning from their environment is disheartening and even from their immediate family. The boy is affected by the society, at such tender age he has learned how to mix harmful substances together. I became conscious of myself and I called myself to order too. I don't want my learners to see me in future and regretted of passing through me. He taught me to watchful of what I say, do, wear and listen to.

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