Life is both Chaotic and Beautiful | Isn't it Wonderful?


Photo taken in the street of Manila

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Uncontented and Unappreciative

Most often than not, we tend to complain about a lot of things, our pet peeves, those that we call our "triggering point", the things that we don't have, things that we lost, people we hate, things we see in the news, people we used to love, people that don't reciprocate our love, those that resent us, our enemies, even the star alignment, it's so crazy to think that we go to that extent would you agree? We are but humans and we all have feelings that's for sure, but aren't we overreacting? Or would you consider that this is being fed to us? that we gladly take and received willingly? Are we growing too dramatic and romanticizing simple things and making a big deal out of things that we can actually just brush off our shoulders? Things can be resolved by talking things through with people we have quarrels with and not with people we gossip with. I think we have become unappreciative of life in a way that we choose to do the easiest way and that way is dodging the things that really matter. We've grown selfish and self-centered in that we only want to gain all things for ourselves and disregard others. This may sound preachy and self-righteous but truly this is a realization also for me. We all rock the same boat. This modern world that we live in made us more insecure about ourselves, all this technology and advancement make us rush our daily lives making us blind to see the things that truly matter. Our egos, desire, and self-centeredness is growing bigger and bigger until we realize all of this, and I just hope we can all realize it before with hit a brick and shout for help, until karma hits us and no one wants to give their helping hands.

Isn't Wonderful?

You probably had a bad day today or good, but isn't wonderful that you were able to wake up, got home, and able to read this? Isn't wonderful you have eyes to see and actually able to read this? Isn't it wonderful that you know how to read, not only that you also know how to write, you know this because you went to school from grade school and to college and because of that you're literate? After graduating from college, you were able to land a job, a good-paying one, and because of this you were able to afford things that you used to dream of, like branded shoes or clothes, expensive pieces of jewelry, gadgets, and all that, later on, you were able to save up and now you can actually afford a house and a car. Isn't wonderful that you're sitting on your couch right now or probably out with friends sipping a cup of coffee, or else we're celebrating a friend's birthday, or drinking bottoms up in a bar laughing, cheering, and enjoying life to the fullest? Isn't it wonderful that you have enough to provide for your family and still afford a lifestyle? Isn't it wonderful anytime soon you'll be marrying the love of your life and creating a family of your own? Out of all things said above, if go back to the simplest things. Isn't it wonderful that you're still alive today? you're healthy, you're able, you're comfortable where ever you maybe? Isn't wonderful this will happen again tomorrow and the next day and the next, and probably the next 40 to 50 years? Isn't it wonderful that you are not that person in the picture above?
More than hate, we all need love, more than disruption, we need understanding, more than our insecurity we need simplicity, more than comparison we need to see our own beautiful life, more than the competition we need more compassion, no man is an island and I think it's a lonely and sad place if any of us is on top and no one to celebrate success with. Let's appreciate life as simple as it is, tomorrow we wake up, feel good, and do good, the problems will always exist, and it is there for us to solve, it may be a hard battle but it's a battle worth fighting for and it will always a beautiful day, all day and every day.


mebu150.gifThis is sensiblecast. Til next time see yalls!


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