Imagine the Hard Work of a God Creation

dmt god.jpegPhoto source: Nightcafe Studio

Imagine yourself as a god or the creator of all things and all you had in you is love, kindness, and compassion and out of all this you decided to create everything.

From the atomic level to the cosmic clouds to the stars to the planet and everything in it, all were created. Being the creator of all things, he now has the responsibility to keep things in order for all, from galactic radiation frying other existence to a star’s supernova destroying anything close to it, to an interplanetary asteroid hitting other planets and sending them back to the primitive state or to nothingness.

Such a heavy responsibility to have out of the initial cause, then somewhere in the vastness of all its reality a planet that homes sentient beings who give praise, ask for forgiveness, ask for blessing and celebrate their creator, they also give love, kindness, and compassion as well, but like all other creations, they’re bound to self-destruction and can cause harm to others.

One day, the whole planet had its phase the polar shifting, and a catastrophic flood happened, few survived, and it takes a lot before the generations of these beings to recovers. After a while, these beings started to complicate life, one struck a stone to his brother in the head killing his own kind in one blow, and another being had enough of bartering his goods to others who couldn’t offer an exchange since he was a farmer he knew how to create paper, and so he created a ‘paper tickets’ and ask other that this tickets have value and must have it to purchase his goods, then one of his friends like this idea realized resources are scarce from livestock to land and so they use the paper ticket to gain and own things over others and because of this, all beings works hard to own paper tickets to survive.

later on, the beings decided to complicate life even more and so they created problems that didn’t exist, they cast out fear of death, they created the tribe of left and the tribe of right and that will forever go against each other, they created hate for other beings especially if they do not support their ideology and to some beings who are above other’s, high on paper tickets and bored, they decided to play with toys like a little boy shrouded with Id, and weapons was created they promoted it to everyone that this is for protection and to save them from everything. “This is our cure to save our race!” some of them shouted, and so the war began, a brother struck his brother again and again and again all over again.

During this time, the creator was traveling from universe to universe, seeing things that are still in order, and stopped by this planet he created and saw all that is in it. shook his head, he saw the pile of bodies stacking up, he saw all monopolization, deceit and deceptions, the hateful ideologies, the oppression of everyone's mind, body, and soul, and foreseen the outcome of all this being’s creation. I wanted to be mad but couldn’t do anything, the beings were in a primitive state, their frequency and vibration at their lowest form and he couldn’t connect with them.

“There is nothing I can do to fix this. They did this to themselves.”

At times, even with all the goodness in life that we know, not everyone can understand it, and often time undermines the idea that there is goodness in life, some changes we think are needed often times complicate it even more, some think life is so miserable we tend to point the blame to other things and in the process we became more emotional more irrational. For some distracting themselves with pleasure seems to be the satisfactory solution for their comfort, little do they know it's more destructive than not. Some seek understanding of the situation, clarity of everything on hand, isolation from the pack, and pulling one’s self to be more collective and eventually be more rational and be less emotional by mastering one’s own feelings.

Silencing one’s self from the noises, voices, and the narrative others have is one way to go about it, at least that’s how I do for myself, and be back to belong with everyone, ‘social detoxification’ as I can call it.

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mebu150.gifThis is sensiblecast. Til next time see yalls!


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