Existence Precedes Essence: My Journey through Existentialism

Existence Precedes Essence: My Journey through Existentialism

When I first delved into the vast ocean of philosophy, one peculiar and fascinating idea immediately drew me in: "Existence precedes essence." This statement, attributed to the renowned existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, became a compass that guided my exploration of philosophy and life itself.

The concept may seem abstract at first, but its meaning becomes clearer when we apply it to our own lives. To me, it meant that we are not predestined to be a specific way, that our essence is not predefined. Instead, we are free and responsible beings who construct our own essence through the choices we make and the actions we take.

Reflecting on this idea, I recalled pivotal moments in my life where I palpably experienced its truth. One of these moments was when I decided to change careers. I realized that I wasn't bound to a predetermined essence, but had the freedom to redefine myself through choice and effort. This realization was liberating and drove me to pursue my true passions.

Sartre's existentialism also sheds light on the importance of individual responsibility. If existence precedes essence, then we are accountable for our choices and actions. We can no longer blame external factors or higher forces for who we are. This responsibility can be daunting, but it is also empowering, as it gives us control over our own life.

In my own journey, I've learned that this philosophy is not only applicable to major life decisions but also to the small daily choices. Each choice, from how we treat others to how we manage our emotions, contributes to shaping our ever-evolving essence.

In summary, "Existence precedes essence" has been a guiding light in my philosophical and personal journey. It has reminded me that we are architects of our own existence, that our freedom and responsibility are fundamental to forging authentic meaning in our lives. Through this concept, I've found a greater appreciation for the human capacity for choice and creation, and the profound importance of living authentically.

So, as I continue my journey, I hold on to the idea that my existence is a blank canvas and that my essence is in constant development, shaped by my choices and actions. Ultimately, Sartre's existentialism has inspired me to embrace freedom and responsibility as the driving forces of my own existence.

If you'd like to explore more of my articles, you can visit my profile on Publish0x at https://www.publish0x.com/@Nstortr to delve further into my philosophical reflections and insights.

* Thank you for your time of reading. I truly enjoy writing, and currently, it's helping me cope with anxiety. Your support means a lot to me.

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