Sunset Serotonin: A Free Therapy


The mesmerizing hues of the Sun’s final bow never failed to wake something deep inside me, my thoughts and questions to ponder in life:


'If you don’t go to the edge, you won’t fully see the view.'

In comparison to the sunset, you will never fully see the beauty of the sun setting if you don’t go over the edge or the end of the land. This can be applied to your hidden potential—if you don’t go out of your comfort zone, you will never grow and see your whole prospects as an individual in this world.

Growing up as a person who is afraid of going through things beyond my scope, I missed out a lot of opportunities. It took me a long time to realize that staying in my shelter will get me nowhere in life. That is why I slowly started to go out, and explore things. I tried out new things such as joining this community!

As a person who is at a leisurely pace of going out of comfort zone, it is my aim to grow more as an individual and acquire opportunities that are far better than what I have missed.

'Sunset changes everyday, but they never get less beautiful.'

Change is constant, that is a fact. For some, they find it uncomfortable and terrifying. Yet, people also find comfort and delight with it. I am one of the people who loves constant change🙋‍♀️. Don’t you find it comforting that everyday will be different? Does it not uplift your spirit when you know that what you are feeling today will never be the same as tomorrow?

The world is continuously evolving which is scary and unpredictable, but we can’t control it. So, for survival, we have to adapt. It is in the human’s nature to adapt to the changes that happen in an environment. We have to learn how to dance in the rain and move our bodies along with the constant change happening around.

Despite the effects of change, we couldn’t deny that they will always be beautiful and advantageous in their own way. I hope we all get to embrace new changes everyday and grow on it.

'Endings can be as beautiful as beginnings.'

This is by far the most known perception to people. Reminiscent of the sunset, endings—whether it be from a relationship, a friendship, or anything you love signifies the beginning of another.

I once had this very close friend, whom I used to cherish the most. But sometimes, people just grow apart. Especially when there is one circumstance that happened which created a gap in that relationship. That ending which I experienced was a testament to the saying “everything happens for a reason”.

An ending of something may be excruciating, but worry not for it will not last. I may have lost something I love, but it helped me gain something in myself. For that reason, do not be frightened of an end, for it will bring a new tomorrow.

'You are exactly where you need to be.'

Before anything else, I want to emphasize that we all have our own path and pace in life. Do you also ever compare yourself to the lives of others? If you do, then I want to tell you that you are not alone and this one is for you.

Last school year, I transferred into another school—different from my friends. I did that since I want to prove myself that I can be on my own, and I did. But seeing them going places made me feel small (this isn’t intended to make them feel guilty or such, they are not responsible for my insecurities). I was happy for them, but there’s this part of me that asks: What if I did go there? Would it be any different?

I was so occupied in comparing my life to their own that I forgot I had my own life to live. I was grateful that my friend who had been with me all the time is always frank with me in telling me to get a life. It took me three months to sink that in and start to control myself from comparing what I have to any other persons’ achievements.

I realized that I am where I need to be. There wouldn’t be any differences even if I did go to school with them. Unhealthy comparisons will only make you feel inadequate and unmotivated about your own achievements and progress. So, stop comparing, those people you compared yourself with had gone through their difficulties in order to get there. And believe me when I say that a life without comparison is exactly what you need in order to find delight and achieve success in life.

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