A posting initiative: #myreflections - Win free stuff// Honoring our parents

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Honor thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee, that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.(Deuteronomy 5:16)

There are many beautiful reflections that help us to raise awareness and reflect on our way of leading our lives, there is something very important that is part of it, a value that has been lost, such as honoring our parents, without them we would not be alive and we would not be, they are the fundamental basis of the family, the home, thanks to two (2) people man and woman for which God chose to be part of our lives today we exist, they are our parents!.
I started this post with a biblical quote where it points out and gives us the instruction of how we should be with our parents, it does not specify whether they are good or bad, we should only honor, that in the family has been losing its moral principles is true, it has been deteriorating is true, but this is for the same condition of man who has no fear of God.
My approach is directed to those parents who have given everything for their children, and these at the same time have been sold forgotten that woman and that man who had with us at all times, whether in good or bad, now it is good to refresh and bring to memory again the meaning of "Honor them".

What does it mean to honor our parents?

Taking into account all that they have done for us.
***We honor them when we thank them for their upbringing, dedication, love, education, etc., also taking into account their advice.

Accept their authority, today young people especially, must respect the authority that God has delegated to our parents, be obedient, listen to them, in everything good that they wish for us, their children. We have an example of Jesus himself, who gladly obeyed his parents when he was a young boy. This mostly saves us from getting into serious trouble.

Treat them with respect.
Generally, respect is seen in what we say and how we say it, but there are times when some parents do not behave as they should, and their children may find it difficult to respect them. Even in those circumstances, children can show them honor without avoiding speaking to them or treating them disrespectfully.

Caring for them as they get older, this is a very important part of our parents' lives, they have been rejected and even forgotten about them, there are children who become a burden to them when they are old, and they are put in nursing homes and homes for the elderly***, our parents need our help, love, patience, we honor them by making sure we do everything possible for them to have a better quality of life, We honor them by making sure we do everything we can to make sure they have a better quality of life, according to our possibilities, whatever they need, visiting them, giving love, sharing with them is paramount, if the family is large everyone should focus on making their life happy, everyone has the same responsibility and not leave it to two or three children, be patient with them because as they get older they kind of regress to behave like children again, example just before he died, Jesus made sure that someone took care of his mother.
This is a beautiful task that brings blessings to the life of the children.

Blessings and thanks for reading me, grateful to the community @reflexion, for this initiative, to the friend @galenkp and all those hives that make life in it, the translator I use is Deepl, I apologize if in the translator gives another meaning the sentences 🙈.

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