My Family, My Worry. #memoirmonday challenge, week 9

The journey of life does not leave us without a sense of worry and fear. This is because as mortals, there are many things we seem not to know about the future. Even when we try to boost our faith and confidence in whatever we believe would give us the coverage that neutralizes our fears, we seem not to be out of its domain completely.

Worry is an emotion that is so attached to life. We worry about virtually everything. We worry over our health. We worry over our family. We worry over lack of money. We worry over our career and investments. We worry over our family members. Everything around us breeds worry in one form or the other. Worry seems to come with every single breath that we take in.

There have been efforts from experts to stop us from worrying. They outline the consequent effects of worry and advice that we stop the worry. Religion has tried from its own perspective to caution its followers to desist from worrying. Having evaluated the instances of victimization by worry and anxiety, every one of us knows that it is wrong to live a life of worry.

Having come across the #memoirmonday initiative, I so much appreciated @ericvancewalton for putting up such a great idea. This week's edition of the challenge comes with the question:
What Do You Worry About?

If you are not already on the challenge, follow this link

I'm Worried About The Success Of My Siblings

I have siblings, my very blood siblings. We grew up together. We lost our mother who was our main stem of support back in the day. My mother's struggle was to see her children succeed. She sacrificed greatly to give us education. She spent her life and earning to sponsor each of us academically. My mother's wish was to see her children succeed.

Now my mom has been gone for about seven years now. We had lost one of our brothers too recently (about two years plus now). The worry of what will become of my family history worries me a lot. I pray and look up every day to see my siblings succeed. I have sisters who are ready for marriage. I wake up every day putting my ears up to receive good news in this direction. I want my sister's to get married, bear their own children and call me to come and celebrate with them. I am the older one and my desire and wish should be to witness the success of my siblings. I have brothers too. They are struggling through life just like everyone else. None of them are lazy. I want them to succeed and excel in their various endeavors. Honestly, nothing bothers me more than the future of my family. I won't be a success if my siblings do not succeed also. There won't be any peace for me if my siblings are not well settled in life. This is my worry.

Having A Happy Family

The second part of my worry is on the second part of my family life. I worry on being able to give my wife and children the kind of life that they wish to have. Yes, we have gotten a property (so, the issue of accomodation won't be a problem anymore. We can peacefully stay in our house and enjoy our, being contented with what life has afforded us). But then there are other things I will have to put in place as a father and as a husband to make my home happy. Thinking about all these give me worry many times. I have three kids who are still growing. Their education and wellbeing shall come calling. We are still young couples. We have some more years to spend together. I want to have a family, full of essential necessities that would make life better and enjoyable. How I will be able to achieve all these, only God knows. These are my major fears in this stage of my life.

Hoping On God

Considering all these, I put my trust and hope on God. What else should I do? Those who can handle their fears by themselves can say they do not want God. I want God to help me. I leave everything in His Mighty hands of God. I believe He will see me through. I will work hard and face my career diligently to be able to cater for my family. Whatever contributions I have and can, I offer to push my siblings forward. Despite all these fears and worries, I am certain I shall sing the victory song.

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