Expectations and Reality of a Young Adult


I thought life would be as light as I imagine in my inner childhood dream of being an adult. Beyond my expectations, that "I can't wait to grow old so that I can do anything that I want without getting scolded" and there's this thing now, that" I wanna be young again".


We thought of how vulnerable life is, during our young age, not until we reach our matured time. We learn to be independent and not to lean too much on our friends or parents. Then, we cried so loud as if we don't want to stop 'til someone is gonna comfort us, but now, we cried so silent that we don't want to hear someone else.

Imagine, the pain of a silent crying.

We used to run, play, and talk a lot but now, we want peace and face our everyday life of reality without getting this feeling of left behind of time.

It sucks but it is, what it is.

We used to have breaks everytime we're tired of playing or our parents told us to, but now, we can't do breaks, and if we do breaks it just a sudden or can't be too long. We used to love hanging out to our friends, but now, we want few or ourselves because in this world we don't know who's real and not. As we go through beyond our expectation, we felt disappointment and turn into sadness. We may fell for it, but we feel it is a way of learning and become strong.



Life is sometimes as cruel as our inner demon but life is wonderful that will teach you a lot of lesson. We may forsake those childhood dreams but we have given a lot of chances to be not so cruel to our self. We create our world and we mold ourself to be our own guide as we go through our daily lives. We make now, our own decisions and happiness in life without being too independent to others. We create boundaries that will give us protections and putting ourself first, in every step of the way. We put our peace first and keep throwing away those negative vibes that no longer benefit us.


It is our core values as a young adult to practice on depending ourselves only because we'll never know what are future, and there's a lot of years to enhance our self, be prepared always to the good and worst that will happen in life.

To my young self, I'm proud of you for experiencing those thing that you are genuinely happy and for not giving up. Now that I'm a young adult, I am the proudest to my self for surviving everyday and for being the set of example to my love ones, to be strong and independent woman.


Life may gives us bad and good things, make us sad and happy, make us alone and lonely, make us feel awesome and wonderful, makes us weak and strong and life will always give us hope to be better version of ourself.


That's all! Hope you'll gain something from this vlog. Keep going!

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