True colors of autumn


In de morning I was biking through the foggy fields as everything was still silent outside. The nights are longer and longer as the days are getting shorter by the day. The fog was coming up from the ground and it was hanging as a mystical blanket over everything as if it was covering something up. These are the typical signs of autumn if you ask me and I am not sure if I like it. On the one hand the mysteriousness is awesome and especially after the sun is up and the fog is starting to disappoint from the sky, that is when you see the true colors of autumn passing by.


And after the sun is up and the sun is getting brighter and brighter during the day, that is the moment where I start to understand people who like autumn so much. Because if you ask me, usually I am not so fond of the summer ending. Autumn reminds me of that the never ending winter in the Netherlands will soon be dropping in. Not that I care about the temperatures so much, but I really don’t like how dark it is during the day. Missing the colors and the texture of everything, that is the thing I am not looking forward to.


So I walk and I seek outdoor time more than I would normally like. But it feels like the right thing to do. I try to suck in the proper amount of daylight and I must say the dog is rather fond of what I am trying to do. I guess he always like it when autumn start, because that means extra walks for him. I really try to take an extra moment for looking around and that is when you see the colors of the leaves everywhere again. Even in the same leave there are so many things to see and every tree looks different from his neighbor, although they were the same in the summer time.


Admittingly often while walking I am slightly buried in my phone, but in the phase of the year it just makes sense to look around a bit more (also for safety, because everything is slippery as f*k) and that is when you find a lot of cool stuff actually. I will never be a be fan of this season and still will find every reason to dodge it and split. But when walking around… aint that bad.


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