Parents Sit Up!

This post is in response to the question posed by @ericvancewalton

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How is life different today compared to when you were a child?

My answer:

Sometimes I feel like the whole world is a whirling wind of events, changes and information, and I am somehow caught up in the middle. The pace of technological advancement makes me dizzy and when I remember that this could just be the beginning, I marvel at human ingenuity and then where it could lead us all to.

Look! he said. “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!
Genesis 11:6

This is just the beginning.

Civilisation is gaining ground rapidly, so many things happening at the same time, with a stream of innovations like handheld devices, the internet, and now AI, all transforming our world. It's both awe-inspiring and complex, as these advancements bring about both positive and negative consequences.

From when I was a child up until now, it's remarkable how a lot has really changed, making life easier to live, numerous time-saving devices and increased comfort. Yet there's a sense of nostalgia for those simpler things, where those aspects of life once cherished are no longer as prevalent as in today's modern World.

In those days, there was a sense of community, neighborliness, we were helpful and supportive towards one another. The relationship was like that of brotherhood, where we looked out for each other, we played in our neighbour's homes, shared meals, and even did house work together but now you could live across the street and not even know the people living around you. Everyone living in his own tent without caring a hoot if the neighbour was dying or living. This I find too saddening!

As children, we used to play outside, under the moonlight, running around and having so much fun, telling each other stories with very strong moral lessons ( of course the stories were told us by our parents and grandparents) but what's the case today? The kids are glued to the TV, iPads or Game Boy, even the internet and believe me when I say that they are not there to learn, study or acquire knowledge but they are there to ingest all the wrong stuffs out there in the world wide web, pornography being the chief.

My parents spent so much time inculcating values into us, they were as a guiding light, steering us towards the right path and painstakingly pointing out the pitfalls if we chose to ignore their wise counsel. This was a conscientious and predetermined effort on their own part and I know it couldn't have been easy (I know how much time I am investing into this one child of mine), considering that we were nine children.
It's concerning when parents are not able to spend quality time with their children due to various reasons, leading to a lack of supervision and guidance. This can indeed contribute to children not learning important values and morals, which are crucial for their development.
The family unit plays a significant role in shaping individuals, and when it's in disarray, it can have ripple effects on society as a whole.
Recognizing and addressing these challenges is vital for fostering a healthier and more supportive environment for children to grow and thrive.

Today, I look at myself and all my siblings, and bless my parents for their very significant role in shaping our lives. We may not have too much in terms of wealth or riches but we have all turned out to be responsible and respectable citizens of our country.

The pace of technological advancement is a step in the right direction and humanity is better for it, especially in some areas like medicine and health, communication, transportation etc but it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense if it leads to further alienation or detachment from human connections.

Parents should spend qualitative time with their children, they should play active roles in the lives of their children, guiding them and instilling important values in them. They should all sit up!

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Thank you @ericvancewalton for making small accounts like mine grow.

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