Realizing one's worth

Hello hiver good day to you all today im gonna share with you on how I realize my self value because of last year's Heartbreak.

Some of you might think why I stop from blogging for a little while, It's not that I quit but it's just I'm not that feeling well mentally and I've been through a lot of sorrows and pain, that I need to fight and overcome to move a step forward.

To be honest with you guy's I'm not supposed to do this because this is a bit of personal matters but today I build my courage to share with you today is my realization and how we need to value our self before anyone else.


Month November my girl broke up with my ex girl. Of course those days I've experienced anxiety and depression but also still working in our motor part's shop, Even though it hurts a lot but I never want my parents nor friend's to see me breaking down.


So the hardest part is about to come yet during day time I act as normal guy just keep on working doing things I usually do as always, talking to my friend and family as if nothing happened to me, but when evening comes different me will take control of my body the version of me that cry's silently, mourning for the loss of the person I've taken care of and the pain that hit deeps down in my heart.


This happened over almost 3 week's straight. I cried after night after night and to the point my eyes hurt a lot and no more tear drops. But one of my friends (that wouldn't be named) noticed my unusual behavior and ask me, if I'm okay or is anything wrong, I don't want to tell him of course but I can no longer hold my tear's and my emotion and told him everything about what happened.

I'm a person who gives good advices my friend and a person I know that needs it, but I hate the fact that when the time I needed those advice I can't apply it as my own. But luckily my friend told me the same advice I used to tell

(Let go of the past look forward unto the future because past will only hold you back from stepping forward).

It took me a month before realizing the advice of my friend, that I have still many things to do and I can't waste time on such things. I realize during that time that I have my own worth and love, the only thing is I need to appreciate my self and be happy of what I have in order for me to take the next step of my life.

What are the things I realize!


The things I realize is you don't need others to be happy you don't need others to be complete and you don't need anybody to feel better, anything you've been looking is just in yourself, we just need to search deep down accept what we have and be contented.

If you feel that your not happy then find happiness within you or with your friends or the people that sorounds you, if you feel incomplete or you feel a sense of something's missing within you then go spend time with your family because nothing is important than family.

What are the things I've Learned from this situation.

I learned a lot of things from the past years self love, value of one's self, don't be so intouch to someone because you might end heart broken, find peace and be happy Being single. I also learned that some people was never meant for us but instead they came to be a lesson, or mybe they came to give us temporary happiness to give s joy for a meantime. You might ask why does the universe let that happen or why it kept on happening and the answer for that is the biggest lesson I've learned for a long time but just barely realize and that is we need to face a hardships before having a happy ending in order for us to grow stronger.

Imagine if the universe just keept on giving the things we need without us facing hardships to earn it, life would be meaningless because life's purpose is to learn and grow, that's why the universe is letting us to face those challenge's for us to grow stronger and to be ready for the right person to come or the right things to happen ☺️.

Thank you hivers for reading my blog I hope and wish you all have a great day.

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