Thinking about thinking, and what you're thinking

7 Aug 23 (4).jpg

I was thinking about thinking today. I'm always thinking, I'm one of those people who can't shut my mind off very well. It's strange because when I need to focus at one hundred percent on a task, situation or event I'm able to compartmentalise everything that's not relevant, superfluous thoughts and emotions, and that provides laser-focus, but when I don't need that level of focus I can't seem to shut my mind off, it just thinks and thinks...and thinks...and thinks...I think you get it.

I over-think at times, meaning something rolls around in my noggin for too long and whilst it's there it spins outwards and out of proportion, I draw conclusions and make decisions and sometimes I'd be better-served to have released it and move on; the curse of the over-thinker I suppose.

While I was thinking about thinking I was thinking about what you're thinking.

I guess I mean, how you're you think.

Are you a critical thinker or creative? Do you think analytically or abstractly? Maybe you're a divergent, convergent or concrete thinker? Sequential or holistic? I have a suspicion you might be a mixture of some of these and possibly all depending on who you are; a few will likely be dominant though.

I'm a mixture of all of them.

Critical and creative, analytical, concrete (practical) and divergent (lateral) as well. Abstract, yep that too...I guess my point is that I'm able to think in the way most relevant to the situation (mostly) and that's opened opportunities, and closed them as well...the concrete thinker in me. We are, after all, a mix of many different thoughts and attitudes and life demands flexibility.

Metacognition - The word for thinking about thinking

I believe it to be very important for one's own growth and progression through life to engage in metacognition. It's important to building and maintaining and guiding a team to perform at optimal level, to build and nurture relationships and just to get by with other people in life generally. Thinking about thinking, how you think and how others think, and having greater understanding around it will carry a person further with greater success in my humble opinion...but I'm a knucklehead and none-too bright...I want to know what you think!

Tell me how you think and why you're that way inclined or tell me how understanding how you and others think have helped you (or hindered you) in life. Are you an under-thinker? If you want to have a think about this topic and think up a comment for me I'll be pleased to see it and to respond. I don't think that, I know it.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Any images in this post are my own.

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