Straight lines and windows of opportunity


Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone's task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it.

- Viktor E. Frankl -

The only thing about life that moves in a straight line is time; the rest is twists and turns and no matter how hard we try to aim directly at something we're subject to events and situations that shift our course and that doesn't always work out the best for us...but sometimes it does. Happenstance and chance has delivered some amazing results and that's, I think, because it also delivers opportunity.

Recently, something changed for me which has had a relatively large impact on most aspects of my life. I went through the full gammut of emotions - it's still happening to be honest - and finally I went full-circle and arrived back at a point from which I could regroup for the push forward.

This is not new for me. Adversity, challenge, catastrophic events and the need to pull back within myself, soul-search, before emerging ready to see things for what they are (and get the fuck on with life) is something I've become accustomed to. I believe, if a person doesn't have, or can't find, the ability to do so life is likely to be somewhat less complete than if they do. I'm fortunate to have lived enough life and gained enough experience and understanding to have the opportunity to see the path forward quite clearly and, we all know, opportunity creates opportunity.

Trying to get through life in a straight line isn't often advantageous and can be limiting even detrimental to the future and the progression towards it.

We learn from those bumpy roads we travel, the adversity and challenges, and through implementing those lessons and the attributes we gain the future can shift; that's where the straight line wobbles or pivots to a new course and that's an opportunity to create opportunities.

The window of opportunity doesn't often stay open for long and, as they say, fortune favours the brave, which is why I've been willing to step outside the straight lines of my own paradigm and comfort zone to follow new paths. Sure, it's not always worked out however it has also worked out splendidly. Either way, it's a course of action that I believe works towards the fulfillment of life itself. Without the bad aspects the good ones may seem less fulfilling I believe, and it's the wobbly moments that teach us many things.

"Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone's task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it."

I like that line from the quote at the top of this post. Implement it.

Implement life.

I believe it's each and everyone's responsibility to do so for themselves despite that meaning there may be rough roads to travel. It's down those roads where new opportunities await those who take the opportunity to create opportunities and it's in this way a person is more likely to achieve better results and enjoy the journey towards them.

Have you had wobbly moments in life, times in which you have choices to make and depending upon those choices had opportunities arise? Have you followed an opportunity only for it to backfire or have some of those opportunity windows you've climbed through paid big dividends? Feel free to tell me about it in the comment section. Have you

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Any images in this post are my own.

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