Privacy and OPSEC


Last week I was paid a nice compliment by a legit Hiver who goes by the name of @coloneljethro - Yep, I tagged you mate, sorry I don't like tagging people unnecessarily but it seemed appropriate in this case. The comment is below and the part that I took as a compliment is what he says about OPSEC (operational security); this is something I'm very focused on when it comes to Hive and in my general life.


Now don't get the wrong idea here, I'm all about showing personality as I feel it inspires others to engage in more relevant and personal ways - I'm in my eighth year on Hive and there's many posts on my feed that show personality and passion - but I'm also focused on security of information and while I say a lot I maintain operational security at all times. Coloneljethro says, "don't think I've seen you post anything that shared more than exactly what you intended." Yep, that's right my brother, well spotted, I share what I intend and nothing more.

When I started on Hive I wanted to be myself and I've been true to that all the way through; being myself, flawed and fallible, personable, passionate, opinionated, true to my ideas of integrity and honour and many other things is what has attracted others to my account and to engagement on a deeper level; it's that which has made my time here enjoyable - the reason I stay. One could say I've been unapologetically me and people respond well and favourably mostly, and some do not...some hate me I guess and that's ok, it's their prerogative.

I know people fabricate stuff in their minds, opinions and perceptions on who I am, what I do and have done, where I am and so on...I've confirmed some of that over the years but some of what people assume or presume may be (probably is) so totally remote from the reality of it that it's laughable.

Anyway, thinking back on coloneljethro's comment and the reason he made it...I'm glad he saw what he saw.

A lot of the time there's far more between the lines and words I write than the words actually say and I know people will make up what isn't really there either way, right or wrong...I'm careful about what I write though and while OPSEC is my focus I also want to show personality, something I suggest we all do. Privacy is somewhat of a joke when the internet is concerned...if you think you have it you're fucken bonkers, but controlling the narrative, showing personality and passion without compromising your own privacy is what I'd suggest everyone does.

If you don't understand what OPSEC is then learn and get good at controlling the flow of information...remember, people are predictable and will allow perception to become reality whether their perception is accurate or not and ambiguous information will still be perceived however the reader wishes. It doesn't bother me that people make up stuff in their own minds, it doesn't effect me either way, only them, but I don't feel at all inclined to splash personal (accurate) information all over the internet and so I share only what I intend, as coloneljethro states.

There's a very thin facade of security and privacy on the internet and people on Hive seem to cling to that with grim death even though they may plaster Faceboook or TikTok or those other dumbass social medias with their whole lives; each to their own. Some are so secretive though and I'll admit to not feeling as engaged with those on Hive who do so but I get why they do it. I suppose a balance is required, for me at least; passion and personality with a mind to OPSEC as well. How about you?

Do you cower behind your little avatar thinking you're safe and sound and that your privacy and anonymity is secure or do you find balance between security and privacy and demonstrating your unique personality at the same time? If you want to tell me about it feel free to do so below and if you want to tell me about it privately just publish your mobile number and address in the comments below and I'll call you or knock on your front door.


(But am I?)

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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Image(s) in this post are my own

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