Important things


Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

- Abraham Lincoln -

Occasionally I have cause to think about what's important. I'm not talking about what might be important at that very moment: getting to a meeting on time, performing my job well, doing housework and chores, recycling to help the environment, rest and relaxation and so on. I'm talking about what is important from an overarching [life] perspective.

Important things are different for all of us however I'm pretty sure most would list health and well-being, personal safety, food, shelter, warmth, family and financial security high on their list of important things. Each of those things probably have others that sit below but I think it's a pretty decent list in itself.

Last week I bought some gold; I save for it and periodically buy it [or silver] when the time is right. It's for my future my niece and nephew ultimately, they'll get it all and that's important to me. Of course, it's a good way to hold cash instead of actually holding cash, and it's there if I were to need it myself for whatever reason. It's important to me that I make those purchases and that I do the work to save the funds to allow the purchases in the first place, but how important is it to my life generally and are there more important things?

I try to work within the parameters of certain elements I hold as important like honesty, integrity, effort, discipline, ownership, tenacity, generosity and other such things. I also have manners and respect for those who deserve it, will punish those who deserve it, care for those I value who need it and will help those who show an inclination to help themselves. I work towards finding enjoyment in life, and giving it to others [I can be a serious individual so finding humour, lightness and fun, and pushing it outwardly is important] and I work hard to keep myself in good shape physically. Important things? Well yeah to me they are and so I work at them constantly.

I've seen people neglect what I see as important [see above] in preference for what I perceive to be monumentally unimportant: "Likes" on social media for instance, excessive consumerism, whining like a little bitch about a downvote on Hive and other such things...but I guess some value those things more than their overall life and other things that might be more important - but which are also more difficult to attain perhaps. People like the easy path, the route of least resistance, and the perceived benefits I guess. Each to their own; have at it if that's what a person deems as important.

Buying gold isn't all that important to me when weighed up against those elements I list a few paragraphs above. Are those things worth their weight in gold, are they that important? No, they're far more valuable than gold could ever be to me. What's important is life, what I do with it, how I design and create it, and what it means to me and the few around me I love and value, and that's something far more valuable than gold.

I wonder if you have any thoughts or perspectives you'd like to share in the comments below; if so then go ahead and if not then...well don't I guess.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own

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