

In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.

- Robert Green Ingersoll -

I like that quote which I first came across in 1998 when I was doing things that often came with serious consequences.

I recall reading it and thinking how relevant it was and how it applies to humans just as much as it does in nature. With human beings there's often reward and punishment associated with what we say and do however could those things be seen simply as consequences rather than reward or punishment?

I wrote the quote in my quote note book with additional thoughts beside it, the reason it struck a chord, what I was doing and thinking at the time, and since then I've referred back to it many times to remind myself that actions come with consequences and that those who enjoy or suffer those consequences usually deserve them for good or ill.

I've watched many people self-destruct in the real world and lay the blame at someone else's feet rather than take responsibility for their actions and the consequences they brought into being by those actions.

I've seen the same thing on Hive, a collection of nutbags and knuckleheads (humans) all being nutbags and knuckleheads (human), where a person acts in a certain way and suffers the consequences those actions brought; I'm watching one such individual doing it now...a person who's account has degenerated into...well, nothing at all really. I feel no pity, it's a reality that person chose, a path they decided to take despite other options existing.

I've watched many people achieve amazing results in the real world, accept ownership, take responsibility and show the discipline to do what's required despite it being difficult or uncomfortable and enjoy the consequences they brought into being by those actions.

I've seen the same thing on Hive, accounts who have chosen to walk better paths, to apply effort, passion and personality, engage with the community in meaningful ways, power up in support of the blockchain rather than exit all of their earnings. I've watched those accounts grow, have helped them grow, and I feel happy and enthused by the choices and effort they've made and the favourable consequences those choices have wrought.

Everything we think and feel and all the different ways we choose to act come with consequences good or bad and also affect those things we do in the future. Blame is negative, ownership is's a choice.

Which ethos do you prefer and why? Feel free to comment should you wish to. Feel free to power up more than you power down, to vote comments and posts but not your own, and to engage with relevance and personality on other people's posts too - You may be surprised at the (positive) consequences it brings.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own

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