What motivates people to enter politics?

What motivates people to enter politics?

The question of whether politicians really care about people or just their own egos. There is no clear answer. Politicians' motivations vary and are likely to be a combination of factors, including the desire for power, the desire to serve others and personal gain. But in my view, the desire for power and influence prevails.

Politicians seem to be more motivated by a desire for power or personal gain. They may focus on pushing policies that will help them stay in office or on enriching themselves and their allies. The people who voted for them are usually only important to them when they are competing for their votes. Perhaps these politicians care more about their own welfare than the welfare of the people they represent. How else to explain the fact that every time there is an election, they suddenly remember the voters and start doing populist politics.

It is important to remember that the motivations of individual politicians can change over time. A politician who started his career with the ideals of changing the world may later lose direction and become more corrupt or cynical. But I have not seen a politician for whom the opposite was true.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they believe about the motivations of politicians. There is no easy answer and there will probably always be a mix of good and bad actors in politics. However, it is important to remain engaged and accountable as citizens and demand that our elected representatives care about the people they represent.

Try writing to me and let me know what you think, do they care about us, the people, or are they just after their own power!

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