Open Communication creates a healthier and happier life

I know...

reading this title might make some of you throw up a little bit in your mouth(s)
as cheesy at these words might sound,
they sure hold true.

Also, I was born and raised in Gouda, 🧀 city, and will never stop being cheesy

I am lucky to I like to think that, through my way of being,
and especially thanks to my open and honest communication ( as much as I can fathom, while still staying polite and kind-hearted. I am a work in progress myself ), my life has improved quite a lot in the last couple of years. And as a result, I have surrounded myself with more and more like minded people who try to be and do the same thing.

It's fair to say that my best friends are great communicators and honest people and that they try to be true to themselves, instead of faking it till they are (not) making it.

I have selected them carefully.

and believe me, with my hypersensitive 'antennae' and life-long observation skills, as a creative, I sure can tell a person who is honest to themselves apart from those who aren't

I respect people who,

instead of headbutting

like those in power...

instead of wanting to be right all the time or not respecting the other's opinion, input, space, time, overall boundaries, instead of wanting to be the one who is in control, has the final word, can put their ego aside and be flexible, forgiving. Those who can adapt, are open for change, always willing to improve, don't blame others or the world all the time ( or apologize honestly, admit they were mistaken ) etc.

If you look inside and feel you're not (yet) one of those... No worries. No need to beat yourself up over it. You can always improve and work on yourself. Change is the only constant in life...

I try to be all of the aforementioned and believe me, it's not and has not been easy but, over time, it has become easier and as an added bonus, makes me feel better, healthier, happier and has led to a more and more free-flowing life, closer to what I would call perfection.

Although the mainstream media might make us believe otherwise, sowing fear and division, giving us the idea that everyone is against us and the world is a dark, hopeless place, it isn't true.

It doesn't have to be that way.

There are so many good people in the world and there are other ways, different forms of communication that make both parties/partners/persons feel good and appreciated: mutually beneficial ways, instead of one parasitizing on the other and draining them of their life force.

I prefer a way of interacting that makes it easy to breathe...

and honestly, who doesn't?

As many people clearly haven't gotten this message, I will keep using all of them/this as fuel and inspiration for my stories, parasites and all. And if I can put a smile on your face, along the way, even better.

A drawing I made in March, showing a parasite. Find the backstory here

More on the original story, 'headbutting dinos' that I wrote back in January 2021 and inspired the illustration/lino print included in this post, can be found here

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