Too much 69

Is it possible to have too much 69?

I've pondered that for a while and finally came to the conclusion that one can have too much of it.

I'm not quite sure how the reputation score on Hive works however it's related to voting; when people vote on a post it adds to the reputation score and I think depending on how large the vote is and the reputation score of the people voting one's own number increases. That's how I understand it anyway.

I've been a little frustrated to see my own reputation score languish around the 69 level for longer than I can remember and I'm really looking forward to seeing it move to 70...69 is becoming tedious.


I took this image

Exactly what the reputation score signifies is something I'm also not sure about, I suppose it shows consistency though and possibly that the posts one puts out are of a quality and interest sufficient to inspire people want to vote on them; other than that I'm not quite clear on the relevance of it. I'm not a girl who looks for or needs accolades from others, I simply do the things I do for my own enjoyment and the reward is the enjoyment, however 69 stares me in the face every time I open my page up and I get the feeling it's mocking me and possibly not moving upwards just to spite me. Ok, I know it's not doing that...or is it?

I don't post much, I just don't have the time and don't think what I have to say will be very interesting to many people either, however I enjoy it when I do; it's an outlet, not only for what I may be thinking about, but also a break from whatever might be going on in my day, a brief respite of sorts. The sporadic nature of my posting means there's not a lot for people to vote on and I'm ok with it...although I won't be at all sad to see the end of 69 if and when I hit 70...maybe someday it'll happen.

- This is what I'm listening to -

Becca 💗

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