Decisions shape the path of life.

"I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions."

-Steven Covey


People make decisions all the time, some simple and some far-reaching. And each one will determine a path that is shaped by that decision.

Are we free to make decisions?

Two words that go together, freedom and decisions.

We are made of beliefs and programming from birth. Knowing them and being able to change them, if they are not good, will be the starting point to be free. We are not free if we are conditioned by ancestral, social factors and those programming that come from there.

But when we detect them and work on freeing ourselves from them, we acquire our own freedom, genuine freedom.

It is the one that will make us make the right decisions.

The path of our life is forged by those decisions. Every mistake we make is ours, as well as every success. We are responsible for everything that happens to us.

In the world there are many people who do not take responsibility for it. .... It is easier to say... it is this or that person's fault, but the reality is that we paint our life with the choices we make and even with our thoughts.

Many times we don't know why we are doing badly in something... it was a choice we made. The question is: Were we free when we made it? Free in the sense described above? Are we really free?

That entails a path of self-knowledge and strength, accepting the consequences of our own decisions, without holding others responsible.

We are the architects of our destiny and if we don't like the way it is at the moment, it is in our hands to change it.

Many times it is not easy, but by working hard it can be done.

Every decision has a result, as if there were many paths in front of us, and depending on the one we choose, that is what we will find. This is cause and effect, every cause has a corresponding effect.

That is why we have to be very conscious of what we are going to choose, see what consequences may develop and from there move forward.

The analysis of each situation is necessary, if we are foresighted the path will be better, not perfect, but we will be able to face it in a better way.

Freedom, decisions and consequences, the three words are in our hands so that we can work on them every day of our lives, to build our path as we go along.

When faced with a bad decision, the consequences can be dire, and sometimes irreparable, and we will be the cause of it. That is why it is essential to be aware of our actions.

Life is wonderful and it is in our hands to live it in the best possible way, we are the creators of it. Only us.


Thank you @galenkp for this initiative, I love the reflections. A formidable idea, thank you.

Best regards to all of you and see you next time.

All photographs are my own.
Thumbnail design made in Photoshop CS6
Used translator free version.

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