BTC To $$ 1,000,000?? From Forbes? Intelligent Investment


I never, ever, thought I'd see an opinion piece like this, written in all honesty, coming out of Forbes. Cointelegraph perhaps another time or more, but Forbes? Then again, times have changed drastically in an extremely short period of time.

Times haven't just changed. They seem to have flopped sideways and landed on their head. This honest opinion piece states my own feeling exactly. BTC is unlikely to hit one million anytime soon.

Then again (again) times have changed. What seemed impossible months ago are now a reality. Most of this opinion piece published by Forbes focuses on the money that governments are currently printing like candy wrappers.

Intelligent Investing - Clem Chambers


I highly suggest reading this article to anyone interested in how current events may affect the cryptosphere. Clem makes several valid points.

It is a trip down the ever increasing possibility of enormous fiat inflation. What does Clem think will happen to BTC? He definitely thinks inflation will drive new investors.


He also points out what he thinks might happen should just a few countries economies suddenly topple. Clem's answer? BTC would spike tremendously!

Read the article if you have the time and share your thoughts. Is this as crazy as it sounds?

Thanks for reading and...

Happy Hiveing!!


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