No te puedo cortar las alas, cuando mas bien te quiero ayudar a volar......Esp-Eng


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Hola madres, padres azules, de esos seres especiales y azules como son nuestros hijos, que para nadie es un secreto que no es facil esa vida de ellos, de que aun son rechazados por una minima parte de la sociedad, pero aun asi lastiman, hieren, no solo a ellos sino a tambien a nosotros.

El autismo desde digamos 20 años hasta ahora se han detectado muchos casos que no me explico porque sera, porque no es detectable antes de nacer, sino que aparece luego desde los 2 años de vida de ellos.

Ya aqui saben de mi hijo @vicent21 que al principio cuando era un niño no entendia por que el era asi, ademas de que sus compañeros de clases siempre le hacian a un lado, con el tiempo ya mas grande, ha ido entendiendo aunque aun le cuesta asimilarlo, porque a veces sus cambios de animo, dice que no es el. Sino en su condicion.


El año pasado logramos una meta que veiamos lejos como fue que se graduara de Bachiller, pero sintiendo aun la sombra de la exclusion, son pocos los que en verdad entienden y aceptan a estas personas azules.

Ya ha pasado casi un año desde su graduacion, que al principio me pidio un tiempo de vacaciones, yo se lo di, pero ya se siente como fastidiado en casa, aburrido, porque el quiere, quisiera encontrar la oportunidad de aprender la mecanica que es y ha sido su gran sueño, pero de verdad me siento que esta vez no lo he podido ayudar como siempre lo he hecho y que he estado para el.

Porque no es facil encontrar, quien lo pueda orientar y enseñar en este oficio, por eso es que no puedo cortarle sus alas, cuando mas quiero ayudarlo a volar, pero como si tambien siento que mis alas no me ayudan.


Otros jovenes sin condicion se les ve tranquilos como que si hacen o no hacen les da lo mismo, pero mi hijo no ya se siente aburrido el quiere ya estar en un taller aprendiendo, otras personas me dicen, que lo motive a que aprenda otro oficio, pero seria cortarles sus alas y no quiero. Las personas con condiciones en este caso con Autismo son empecinados, que es lo que quieren y nadie los hace cambiar de parecer.

No me gusta dejarlo tanto rato solo en casa, si tengo que salir lo invito a que me acompañe que no es siempre, entonces debo salir rapido, porque solo puede entrar en una crisis mas si llueve ya que no le gusta la lluvia o que se pueda ir la energia, el tiene su celular donde escucha musica, ve videos, series, pero ya se aburre tambien. O juega a la mecanica, pero ya el dice que esta grande para ese juego, que ya lo quiere hacer real.

Sus cambios de estado de animo tambien se debe a eso, que no le habla a la hermana, responde mal, hasta conmigo, que yo lo entiendo mas, pero su hermana no tiene la misma paciencia y se lo digo a el, que despues de mi, esta es su hermana.


Hasta en su cuenta de Facebook tomo la iniciativa y publico algo que me hizo un nudo en la garganta, que claro el primero me dio para que le revisara, le corregi algo y lo publico. Que por supuesto le di like, luego esa misma publicacion la copie y pegue en mi estado de WhatsApp pero aun nada de nada.


Le digo no perdamos la esperanza ya llegara algo bueno, lo abrazo, lo beso, nos acostamos en la tarde hablamos, para que no se sienta tan solo, que nunca ha estado, que verlo asi tambien me hace sentir mal.

Quien mas que yo ya quisiera que el estuviera haciendo lo que le gusta pero tambien me toca esperar sin desesperar.

Todas las imagenes son tomadas de paginas libres igual con su enlace.

Contenido original y traducido gracias a la aplicacion DeepL.

La portada diseñada en Canva,




Hello mothers, blue parents, of those special and blue beings such as our children, that for nobody is a secret that their life is not easy, that they are still rejected by a small part of society, but even so they hurt, they hurt, not only them but also us.

Autism since say 20 years ago until now many cases have been detected and I can't explain why, because it is not detectable before birth, but it appears after 2 years of life of them.

Already here they know of my son @vicent21 that at the beginning when he was a child did not understand why he was like that, besides that his classmates always made him aside, with the time already bigger, has been understanding although it still costs him to assimilate it, because sometimes his mood swings, he says that it is not him. But in his condition.


Last year we achieved a goal that we saw as far away as graduating from high school, but still feeling the shadow of exclusion, there are few who truly understand and accept these blue people.

It's been almost a year since his graduation, at the beginning he asked me for a vacation time, I gave it to him, but he already feels like he is bored at home, bored, because he wants, he would like to find the opportunity to learn mechanics which is and has been his great dream, but I really feel that this time I have not been able to help him as I have always done and that I have been there for him.

Because it is not easy to find someone who can guide and teach him in this profession, that is why I can not cut his wings, when I want to help him fly, but as if I also feel that my wings do not help me.


Other young people without conditions look calm, like they don't care if they do or don't do anything, but my son doesn't feel bored, he already wants to be in a workshop learning, other people tell me to motivate him to learn another trade, but it would be like cutting his wings and I don't want to. People with conditions, in this case Autism, are stubborn, they want what they want and no one makes them change their mind.

I don't like to leave him alone at home for so long, if I have to go out I invite him to come with me which is not always, so I have to leave quickly, because he can only go into a crisis if it rains because he doesn't like the rain or that the energy can go out, he has his cell phone where he listens to music, watches videos, series, but he gets bored too. Or he plays mechanics, but he says he is too old for that game, he wants to make it real.

His mood swings are also due to that, he doesn't talk to his sister, he responds badly, even with me, I understand him more, but his sister doesn't have the same patience and I tell him that after me, this is his sister.


Even on his Facebook account he took the initiative and posted something that made me a lump in my throat, which of course he first gave me to check, I corrected something and he posted it. Which of course I gave him like, then that same publication I copied and pasted it in my WhatsApp status but still nothing.


I tell him not to lose hope, something good will come, I hug him, I kiss him, we go to bed in the afternoon we talk, so he doesn't feel so lonely, that he has never been, that seeing him like this also makes me feel bad.

Who else but me would like him to be doing what he likes but I have to wait without despairing.

All the images are taken from free pages with the same link.

Original content and translated thanks to the application DeepL.

Cover designed in Canva,


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