El deseo de navidad de Ana (Español/Ingles)


Ana estaba molesta, quiso ocultarlo pero su ceño fruncido y las lágrimas en sus ojos la delataban; su madre se sentía mal por ella, no era la primera vez que esto pasaba. La semana anterior se habían tenido que retirar de la fiesta de cumpleaños de su primo Carlos y ahora se retiraban a medio partido de futbol del campeonato navideño del vecindario. Ana solo tenía nueve años, no entendía porque su hermano Luis tenía TEA, ni porque le molestaba el ruido, sentía que su pequeño hermano de cinco años le estaba arruinando todo esa navidad.

Al día siguiente Ana fue a la escuela, ese día se despediría de sus amigas hasta el próximo año, pues venían las vacaciones por las fiestas. Eso le incomodaba un poco a Ana, pues la escuela era el único lugar donde sentía que descansaba un poco de su familia. Al final de la jornada la maestra les deseo a todos felicidades y les recordó que escribieran su carta a Santa, Ana le dio un abrazo a sus amigas y cada una tomo su camino a casa.

Cuando llego la noche Ana ceno con su familia y fue a su habitación, se sentía tranquila pero algo muy en sus adentros la estaba molestando. No quería que su hermanito siguiera arruinando los momentos con su familia, siempre que salían juntos tenían que volver antes de tiempo, dejar todo tirado porque a él le molestaba el ruido o las aglomeraciones. Entonces a Ana se lo ocurrió una turbia idea, le pediría a Santa en su carta que su hermano fuese como los otros niños.

Al día siguiente despertó mas tranquila, sentía que se había quitado un peso de encima. Su madre era enfermera, pero desde que Luis nació había decidido trabajar como freelancer para estar en casa y administrar mejor su tiempo, pues el pequeño necesitaba más atención. Su madre estaba trabajando en el escritorio, cuando vio a Ana acercarse la miro tiernamente.

-Dentro de unos días será navidad, espero que Santa te traiga muchos regalos – Dijo su madre con expresión de picardía – tu padre y yo sabemos que has tenido unos días difíciles, pero debes tener paciencia, te prometo que todo mejorará.

Ana estaba sorprendida, siempre había pensado que a sus padres no les interesaba como ella se sentía. Corrió a los brazos de su madre y se dieron un fuerte abrazo. Así pasaron los días y llego la noche buena, comieron y celebraron en familia, entre la algarabía Ana olvido el regalo que le había pedido a Santa, esa noche cayo rendida en su cama antes de las diez. Lo que ella no sabía era que a veces los deseos se hacen realidad y por eso hay que ser muy cuidadoso con lo que deseamos.

Ana despertó al día siguiente y la casa estaba en silencio, no era normal porque su hermano Luis se despertaba muy temprano y todos en la casa se activaban con él. Recordó los regalos y corrió a la sala, al pie del gran pino navideño estaban todos los regalos envueltos, Ana quiso correr a abrirlos pero se percató de que no había nadie más de su familia. Busco a su madre en todos lados, pero no la hallo, fue arriba en busca de su padre y lo encontró en el pasillo. Está muy serio, nunca había visto esa expresión amargada en la cara su padre, siempre llevaba esa sonrisa que iluminaba todo cuando él llegaba. Sin embargo allí estaba el día de navidad con una cara gris y alargada.

La saludo fríamente, Ana le pregunto por su madre

-Tu madre está trabajando hoy en el hospital, sabes que tenía guardia, las enfermeras no tienen descanso – respondió su padre mientras caminaba hacia la puerta.

Ana le pregunto por Luis, su padre la miro confundido, como si no la reconociera

-Sabes que tu hermano no pudo viajar esta navidad, los estudios en la universidad lo tienen muy atareado – comentó su padre con indiferencia- Deberías ir a la cama otro rato, creo que sigues dormida. Tu madre no vendrá hasta mañana y yo debo trabajar también, hay comida en el horno y los regalos están en el árbol, que tengas una feliz navidad cariño.

Ana se sintió sola y desamparada, estaba confundida y desorientada. Empezó a llorar desconsoladamente y su propio llanto le recordó a su hermanito Luis, entonces recordó también el deseo que le había pedido en su carta a Santa. Efectivamente su deseo se había hecho realidad, ahora Luis era igual que los hermanos de sus amigas, pero su vida era solitaria y desdichada. Entendió entonces que su familia y su hermano eran perfectos tal cual eran y que el hecho de que Luis tuviese TEA no era un impedimento para ser felices, que los obstáculos se los ponía ella misma.

Respiró profundo, quería dejar de llorar pero no podía, se hecho en el sillón desconsolada, no sabía qué hacer para que todo fuese como antes y entre sollozos se quedó dormida. Al despertar estaba nuevamente en su cama y escucho el ruido habitual en el resto de la casa, sintió que la alegría la invadió. Corrió afuera y ya estaban todos despiertos, abrazo a sus padres y a su hermano, todos se alegraron de verla contenta ya que en los últimos días había estado un poco agria.

Aquella experiencia la ayudo a entender que gracias a su hermano mamá estaba todo el día en casa y que su padre había asumido la alegría como estandarte para contenerlos a todos desde la ternura. Se dio cuenta que todo eso era posible porque Luis era Luis. Ana también entendió que debía hablar con sus padres sobre cómo se sentía y que podían diseñar juntos espacios para que todos se sintieran cómodos y felices.

Contenido original del autor.
Recursos: Tablet ZTE E10Q
Imágenes manipuladas de Pixabay
Traducido con Deepl.com
Todos los derechos reservados || @jetta.amaya// 2022

Ana's Christmas Wish (Spanish/English)


Ana was upset, she wanted to hide it but her frown and the tears in her eyes gave her away; her mother felt bad for her, it wasn't the first time this had happened. The week before they had had to leave their cousin Carlos' birthday party and now they were leaving in the middle of the neighborhood Christmas championship soccer game. Ana was only nine years old, she didn't understand why her brother Luis had ASD, nor why the noise bothered her, she felt that her little five year old brother was ruining everything for her that Christmas.

The next day Ana went to school, that day she would say goodbye to her friends until next year, since the vacations were coming. That made Ana a little uncomfortable, because school was the only place where she felt she could rest a little from her family. At the end of the day the teacher wished them all congratulations and reminded them to write their letter to Santa, Ana gave her friends a hug and each one went home.

When night fell Ana had dinner with her family and went to her room, she felt calm but something deep inside her was bothering her. She didn't want her little brother to keep ruining the moments with her family, every time they went out together they had to come back early, leaving everything behind because he was bothered by the noise or the crowds. Then Ana came up with a cloudy idea, she would ask Santa in her letter that her brother be like the other children.

The next day she woke up calmer, she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Her mother was a nurse, but since Luis was born she had decided to work as a freelancer to be at home and manage her time better, as the little boy needed more attention. His mother was working at her desk, when she saw Ana approaching, she looked at her tenderly.

-In a few days it will be Christmas, I hope Santa brings you lots of presents - said her mother with a mischievous expression - your father and I know that you have had some difficult days, but you must be patient, I promise you that everything will get better.

Ana was surprised, she had always thought that her parents didn't care how she felt. She ran into her mother's arms and they gave each other a big hug. The days went by and Christmas Eve arrived, they ate and celebrated as a family, among the merriment Ana forgot the gift she had asked Santa for, that night she fell asleep in her bed before ten o'clock. What she didn't know was that sometimes wishes come true and that's why you have to be very careful with what you wish for.

Ana woke up the next day and the house was silent, it was not normal because her brother Luis woke up very early and everyone in the house was active with him. She remembered the gifts and ran to the living room, at the foot of the big Christmas pine tree were all the wrapped presents, Ana wanted to run to open them but realized that there was no one else from her family. She looked for her mother everywhere, but couldn't find her, she went upstairs to look for her father and found him in the hallway. He was very serious, he had never seen that bitter expression on his father's face, he always wore that smile that lit up everything when he arrived. Yet there he was on Christmas Day with a gray, elongated face.

He greeted her coldly, Ana asked him about her mother.

-Your mother is working at the hospital today, you know she was on duty, the nurses don't get a break," her father answered as he walked towards the door.

Ana asked him about Luis, her father looked at her confused, as if he didn't recognize her.

-You know your brother couldn't travel this Christmas, his studies at the university have him very busy - her father commented indifferently - You should go to bed for a while, I think you are still asleep. Your mother won't be here until tomorrow and I have to work too, there is food in the oven and the presents are on the tree, have a Merry Christmas dear.

Ana felt alone and helpless, she was confused and disoriented. She began to cry inconsolably and her own crying reminded her of her little brother Luis, then she also remembered the wish she had made in her letter to Santa. Indeed her wish had come true, now Luis was just like her friends' siblings, but his life was lonely and unhappy. She understood then that her family and her brother were perfect just as they were and that the fact that Luis had ASD was not an impediment to their happiness, that the obstacles were placed by herself.

She took a deep breath, she wanted to stop crying but she couldn't, she lay down on the couch disconsolate, she didn't know what to do to make everything as it was before and between sobs she fell asleep. When she woke up she was back in bed and heard the usual noise in the rest of the house, she felt joy invade her. She ran outside and everyone was already awake, she hugged her parents and her brother, they were all happy to see her happy since in the last days she had been a little bit sour.

That experience helped her to understand that thanks to her brother, her mother was at home all day long and that her father had taken joy as a standard to contain them all with tenderness. She realized that all this was possible because Luis was Luis. Ana also understood that she should talk to her parents about how she felt and that they could design spaces together to make everyone feel comfortable and happy.

Original content by the author.
Resources: Tablet ZTE E10Q
Manipulated images from Pixabay
Translated with Deepl.com
All Rights Reserved || @jetta.amaya// 2022

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