How to achieve bliss the scientific way – Gamma brain waves

It may appear miraculous but actually the magic of consciousness is largely based on brain science, at least while we are embodied. For example, recent breakthroughs in neurobiology, which were facilitated by the arrival of the EEG recorder, are showing us what is happening in our brains during the time of heightened consciousness and meditation. The magic and power to harness our consciousness for the better are in our hands. It always has been but now we can see it in concrete terms.

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Before the invention of the EEG machine, we were not able to detect the highest brain wave frequency called gamma brain waves. The upper limit was 25 Hz back then. But now we have discovered that the brain also produces gamma waves which resonate at a frequency of 25 – 100 Hz. And this state, although present all the time, is heightened by meditation.

Research by neuroscientists on actual accomplished Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns has shown that this fast wave with the small amplitude is associated with feelings of bliss and particularly with the feeling of being blessed. The gamma waves appear to be correlated to levels of peak concentration and enhanced cognitive functioning.

This apparently occurs as gamma waves enable a link up between all parts of the brain. It originates in the thalamus and cycles rapidly from the back to the front of the brain at 40 cycles per second, called a “full sweep”. This actually indicates a state of peak mental as well as physical performance, equated to being “in the zone”.

We all have gamma waves in our brains but lower frequency gamma waves are linked to poor memory, learning difficulties and impaired mental processing. Enhanced gamma waves, whether via mechanical means like gamma frequency binaural beats or simply by meditation, can apparently slow down Alzheimer’s disease.

This cognitive degeneration brought on by old age is apparently due to a type of plaque clogging up the neurons and gamma waves tell the immune system to improve and attack the plaque. Our normal brain state should run at 40 Hz. Below that is Beta waves around 12 – 38 Hz, suggesting active consciousness. Below that is Alpha waves of 8-12 Hz, with relaxed passive alertness. Then comes Theta waves in sleep around 3-8 Hz, with Delta waves being deep sleep or below 3 Hz in frequency.

We all usually cycle through these daily, and Alpha waves are great for learning, but it’s the Gamma waves that bring about exceptional intelligence and more importantly compassion. This is the rare and crucial quality seen to be associated with high Gamma wave activity in the brain. It is the stage of peak performance.

And it’s not just monks and meditators who produce this frequency at high levels. It also occurs in top athletes, musicians and high achievers in many fields. The symptoms are an increased memory recall, both rapid and vivid. There is also an increased sensory perception where food tastes better and the senses sharpen as the brain becomes more sensitive to all types of sensory input. Thus the entire perception of reality is enhanced and enriched.

There is also a capacity for increased focus, where all sensory information is processed faster and with greater sensitivity. And since the Gamma waves link up all the regions of the brain, there is a more integrated experience of reality, with increased processing speed where vast amounts of data can be assimilated very quickly, as well as being remembered and retrieved later with greater ease.

If this is not enough to inspire you then add to the list the fact that people with high Gamma wave activity are happier, calmer and more at peace. This is the true quality of our selves, both on a material and subtler pane. We are inherently blissful souls. Now it seems that scientists have discovered the brain mechanism that enhances bliss and focus and clarity on the mundane platform, and it is these Gamma waves, as they are now known.

Obviously ancient sacred teachings on consciousness also talked about attaining these states through meditation without using the reference to brain waves, but is seems that science has finally arisen to meet spirituality eye to eye and with the same conclusions – that we are by nature blissful when at our normal best state. Gamma waves can thus even act as an anti-depressant, something much needed in today’s society where the masses are not educated as much in the finer arts of consciousness and are suffering under the oppression of political and economic hardship.

Further symptoms of increased Gamma brain wave activity also include enhanced creativity, and curiously enough they also appear during REM sleep or the dreaming stage. They can actually be activated consciously by visualization techniques. We can train ourselves to produce higher Gamma wave frequency in our brains. The simple secret is to mediate. Or if you prefer to use other terminology then simply focus on compassion and love and this in itself will increase your Gamma brain wave activity.

Another way to do is to simply do what you really love. If you can immerse yourself in you own preferred creative activity, you will invoke enhanced Gamma wave activity. And I would suggest that we are not talking about just the romantic love of someone being attracted to you on a superficial level but rather a kind of love that includes compassion toward everyone, and ultimately to all life. A higher love goes beyond the selfish mundane romantic love that is ego-based. That is the state that we can enter into at will by focus and intention. So the power is in your mind. Happiness is a visualization away. See it in your minds eye and it will manifest. There you have it!

(image pixabay)

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