Oh simple things where have you gone! It’s just how my heart was pained and all I could do was just keep moving as if all was well with me. My heart was in a different state from what my face portrayed. The weather was so fine and sunny unlike usual so I felt today will be a great day but I guess life had other plans for me. I had something to do in school today so I had plans of reading after I was done with it so I went to the place where I plan to do my studying.

Prior to that time, I posted a funny video on my status and my sister (not biological) had left a comment and I gave a reply and I used that opportunity to ask how she was doing and also her husband and everyone. I lived with them for my holiday recently and when I was there her father-in-law was not doing so well in health and he was admitted at the hospital. The week I left was the week he was discharged back home but my sister told me he wasn’t eating as he normally does since he got back from the hospital. I tried making some suggestions that could help him and we both were satisfied with it and she promised to tell her husband about it too.

Just about an hour and some minutes later, she left a message, I could hear her crying but I want sure why she should be crying so I had to calm down and just listen to what she was saying and it was as if my heart stopped for some seconds. We had just lost someone we were talking about she said; I felt so sad about this news for so many reasons but especially for the fact that I wished I had asked about him earlier, maybe I would have made those suggestions earlier and it would have helped but too bad I didn’t.

I know I shouldn’t blame myself for what has happened but then I couldn’t help but feel guilty because I had this strong belief that my suggestion would have helped but it came rather too late. I take my sister and her husband so dearly because that’s how much they are to me, I can only imagine the pain my uncle will be in now because I knew how much he tried his best to see that his father got the best treatment. He must be feeling so defeated right now and the truth is I don’t even know how I can comfort him but I really pray God comforts him and his wife too.

The pain of losing a loved one is always hard to get through especially when you did all you could to make sure they live. I wasn’t close to grandpa as I’d call him but he was a nice person and he was quite active for someone of his age. I pray his soul rest in peace and the vacuum he has created would not bring pain to the heart of those that loved him but they will find comfort in it and keep moving forward. He was obviously loved by his son and this would be a hard bone to crack but I hope he gets to crack it in the end.

Getting that news completely destabilized me that I immediately felt sick again even though I was already recovering. Well, I did get some rest and took my drugs and I feel better but this news was the last thing I was expecting today but it came anyways. I have to stay strong for myself, my sister and her family. I pray the joy will be restored in that home soon before our baby comes 🥺.

The images used are mine

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