Peppy, Pep, Peps, Pepper!

Hello fellow dog parents and hive community,

My name is Active Hope and my fiancée and I have a beautiful dog named Pepper, a.k.a. Pep, Peppy, Peppy Pep Pep, Peppers, Pepperette, and we also make up lyrics to 80’s tunes and sing to her a lot too, “she’s Peppy’s girl” lol.

She is amazing, such a bright light and a true gift in our lives

layout from puppy.jpg

She is not great with selfies though!

Pep and new hair do.jpg

Here is a current pic of Pepper. It's been -35 to -40 degrees out the past couple of weeks here, but this girl doesn't mind! She loves winter and playing in the snow.

Pep winter 2021.jpg

She is such a lovely pup, almost 2, but will be my baby for life, and such a little rascal too! She was a digger from the getgo which made gardening that first year interesting to say the least – that may deserve a story/blog post at a later date:)

Pepper digging.jpg

This is the little rascal when she was just a nugget and had stolen my bra from the laundry hamper.

Pepper bra.jpg

And to this day, as I work from home, when she decides thatI have stared at the computer long enough and it is time to play, or if my partner has come home and we haven’t paid enough attention to her – she grabs the precious toilet paper role and takes it for a spin around the house, lol!

toilet paper role.jpg

Oh gosh! Like you all I am sure, we could go on about our precious family members. My goal is to post here once a week about our adventures with Pepper.

I love seeing all your photos, videos and stories about your adorable pups😊 and look forward to connecting with you all!

Dylan & AD with Pep.jpg

Take care,
Active Hope

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