Life - Reset Required!


It is ironic that I posted not too long ago about burnout and then feel like I have experienced a little burnout yesterday myself.

Hence, posts on Thursday and nothing on Friday and then here I am again, making a post and interacting on Hive.

While most of the time you can manage a burn out from overworking yourself and then falling flat on your face.

I managed quite a high frequency of posting as part of my day to day routine despite my long work hours.

Instead, my burnout came from a different source: That of stress.

After a fight with one of our customers, where the guy was driven by the concept of saving money while disregarding due process and procedure to do the repair, the customer got a bit personal with his insults and accusations.

So this made me very angry and in turn despondent. It really just puts the drain on me. I needed a day to recharge and bit and then dust myself off and get back on the horse.

Some good news is that I finally got my overtime money in (which has taken a while to arrive), I was worried that I was going to have to do ANOTHER power down and that was also stressing me out a bit!

No longer needed so I can focus on rebuilding my HP to over 5000HP again and grow and grow and grow!

Have a great Saturday everyone!


Hive South Africa

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