Listening is just as important as speaking…

Communication is not complete without listening, it’s not just by expressing one’s feelings or thoughts it’s also by listening attentively to others. Listening is one of the most important skills many people lack because people prefer and are eager to talk about their feelings and emotions without trying to ask or listen to other people’s thoughts.


As speaking is important listening also has a lot of benefits which are;

  1. Listening grows relationships.
    Listening to people around us, especially our friends, family, or partners gives them the chance to confide in us because they feel understood and heard.
    In a romantic relationship there will always be an issue that can destroy the relationship probably because of what the other partner has done unconsciously but the moment you give a listening ear to the other partner it can save your relationship from destroying.

  2. Listening grows business.
    In most of the big and healthy companies, the CEO always gives a listening ear to all their workers to contribute ideas on what is making their market drop or what could make their market be on the top.
    As an entrepreneur, I have people who work under me and I give regard to every one of their ideas and opinions because what they see I might not be seeing meaning two good
    heads are better than one.

  3. Listening helps you grow
    Listening attentively tends to help you grow mentally because by listening you add more knowledge and ideas to yourself.
    By listening it allows people to feel free to share ideas and insight with you which could be possibly be helpful to you too.


As speaking is one of the most important aspects of communication listening also has a significant role to play such as relationship growth, business growth, and personal growth.
The next time you find yourself communicating with another person don’t forget to exhibit your listening skill.

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