Navigating Hive: Lessons Learned, Friendships Formed, and the Ecency Impact.

Hi everyone in Hive! I want to share a few lessons from my journey on this blockchain. In a post two weeks ago, I talked about how @melinda010100, my Hive mentor, who I met a few weeks back, has made a big difference in my Hive experience. Her advice is like a guiding light for me, and I must say, I'm seeing great results. It shows how having a mentor is important in any part of life. I really liked something she said to me today while congratulating me for being one of the top weekly engagements on the Ecency Leaderboard. In her exact words, she said, "I just pointed you in the right direction. You took it and ran with it, and now you're helping others learn how to grow their accounts!"


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This is a great example of an excellent mentor—they guide you, and you need to put in the effort to follow their guidance. Success, whether on Hive or in any part of life, often involves getting some help. No matter how talented or skilled you are, having some form of assistance is crucial for progress. In this case, help means knowledge. No one is born knowing everything, and trust me, you can't learn everything just from books. Sometimes, you need the wisdom gained from experience, and you can get that from people who've been where you want to go. I'm fortunate to have received this knowledge from her, and I want to share it forward through this post. Maybe this advice will also benefit another newcomer starting their journey here on Hive.

Lets begin shall we:

Hive is basically a social media platform, but what sets it apart is that it's decentralized and uses blockchain technology. This means it relies a lot on people interacting with each other. The more people use and engage on Hive, the bigger and more valuable it becomes. This can also directly affects our native cryptocurrency, Hive. So what does this mean for you as someone on Hive? Your success depends a lot on the quality of interactions you have. It's the big secret to doing well on Hive, and I wish I knew this when I joined four months ago—I'm sure I would have done even better today.

By having meaningful conversations and interactions, especially on Waves, Ecency's microblogging platform, I've formed several friendships that wouldn't have happened if I just posted and vanished. These new friends consistently engage with all the posts I make, and I make sure to do the same for them. Life is all about giving and taking – don't anticipate others to do for you what you don't do for them. It's a mutual exchange, and being actively involved in each other's content creates a positive and supportive community.

Another essential point to remember is the saying, "Rome was not built in a day." It's unrealistic to expect to become wealthy on Hive within a month, unless you were already well-off and invested a significant amount. My mentor once shared her experience of being on this journey for a solid 6-7 years. Day after day, she showed up, supported the blockchain, built relationships, and helped others rise (myself being a case in point). It's a testament to the idea of consistent effort. In the words of taskmaster4450 "Wake up and show up every day." I've personally committed to showing up daily and supporting the Hive ecosystem to the best of my abilities through engagement. I believe that with this level of dedication, my success will gradually unfold. As the saying goes, "It's the little drops of water that makes a mighty ocean."

Beyond the measure of success, the value of the friendships you cultivate is remarkable. I can vouch for having some amazing friends who never fail to brighten my day. Here's a little secret: my interactions with them are the very reason I secured the 3rd position on the Ecency leaderboard today. While I won't mention everyone to avoid buzzing them, I do want to express my sincere gratitude to two fantastic individuals, @danigada18 and @mysteriousroad. Thank you both for the incredible daily interactions on the blockchain. I truly cherish our friendship and look forward to witnessing all of us rise together on this platform.

Well, I don't think this article can end without talking about the real deal that caused all this to happen - Ecency. There's just so much to say about this Dapp, , and one article will not be enough. The developers of Ecency really deserve some applauds, especially for developing the Waves microblogging platform to be that smooth and slick to use. The Ecency app like I always say is my go to for everything hive. The great tools and User Interface just makes my hive experience seamless and a delight. Ahh!! the notification feature, my all time favorite, which gives me joy anything I see it Jing Jing when i receive an upvote.

To sum it up, the secret to thriving on Hive is simple—keep showing up, putting in the effort, seek advice from those who have experience, and foster meaningful, lasting relationships. By sticking to this approach, nothing can impede or hinder your progress and growth. I am living proof that in just four months, I've already reached a reputation score of 65. I believe you have the potential to surpass my achievements, trust me. Your journey can be even more impressive than mine.

Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it.

Before you go, could you please be a dear and do me this small favor?

If you've taken a look at my article, you probably noticed that a big part of my progress is thanks to @ecency. Would you mind taking a moment to read and support Proposal 283? Ecency is playing a significant role in enhancing the Hive ecosystem, and all they require to advance further is your vote. I would greatly appreciate it if you could do me this kind favor.

How to Vote:

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Let's join hands to support Ecency and uphold the spirit of innovation and community on Hive. Your vote makes a significant impact in shaping the future of this platform.

Thank you so much for voting for the betterment of the hive ecosystem.

As always,
Written from the City of Ecency,
Willy, a proud Ecencial.

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