Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely - Why Web 3.0 Might Be the Future Government System We Need


Hi there everyone, TheRingMaster is back again with another awesome Web 3.0 blog. We're always looking for solutions to problems and systems that will ensure that at the end of the day, everyone in a country is ok, that is the supposed essence of the Government.

Believe it or not, the Government is actually an industry just like Social Media, Sports, Movie, Medical Industry and so on and so forth. It was established to manage economies.

We can't have a group of people living in any region of the earth and coexist peacefully without law and order. The laws are to be established by the group of people that are chosen to lead. Leadership in any group is inevitable and is necessary.

In the past we used to have autocratic Kings, Emperors and Egyptian Pharaohs. They had all the power and did as they pleased but thankfully years later democracy was established where the interest of the people was the focal point of Government decisions and not the interest of one individual.

Unfortunately and this is something we've all experienced bitterly, there's still autocratic rulership in the democratic governments. The interest of the people is secondary to the interest of the government. The government will rather have the people suffer than for them to suffer, this is exactly why I said the Government is an industry.

For example, the government is fighting against crypto, the question is why? - the answer to that crypto is not in their favor even though it's in the favor of the people. They do not prioritize the needs of the people.

Now I'm sure you've heard the saying “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”. It has been a time tested confirmation that concentrated authority in any country or community is always potentially dangerous and can lead to misuse of power and disregard for the people. This is what we're seeing today and infact is the very purpose of the development of Cryptocurrency, Blockchain technology and Web 3.0.

Yes I would agree with you when you say that there are good people that could be leaders but I think we cannot risk the safety of people in the hands of any one person or organization no matter how good they seem to us. When it comes to Governmental Authority, I believe we need to be assured that the right decisions in favor of the people will be taken always.

Now Web 3.0 came in with one very good advantage, "Decentralization" which ensured that the power over a platform or system would be given to the people rather than one organization or few groups of people with ultimate power.

The question I would like to discuss in today's blog is one - Can web 3.0 give us any hope in dealing with the problem of power and corruption in governments?

Supporting Web 3.0 in Governance

Transparency and Accountability

Imagine if the government system would incorporate Web 3.0 and use that as a standard for operating and running the country. This would bring so many advantages to the people.


Blockchain Transparency

One thing that people complain a lot about is corruption and embezzlement of funds that were supposed to be used to develop the nation. In simple words, politicians are stealing the money.

It's funny how we barely see their financials but lots of politicians end up very rich in a short time after getting into power. We clearly know their salaries but you could tell they're making way more than their pay check. Yes of course some do have businesses at the side but some actually embezzle the money to be used for the nation.

The thing about Web 3.0 is how transparent it is. Every transaction you make on the Blockchain is recorded on public ledger and everyone can see it for themselves. That means all the moves politicians would be make can be tracked if Web 3.0 can be adopted into the Government system. We can bid farewell to embezzle and financial corruption.

Transparency and the fear of being exposed is definitely a big reason why Government is fighting crypto so much.

Blockchains always keep an open record of all transactions and decisions for every participant to boost responsibility and prevent corruption. You can see on Hive, what transactions anyone is making. Of course it does raise a question of privacy but I'm sure there could be a solution to that part.


Fair Elections

No doubt, lot's of elections are rigged and those who get the power are people that already had influence and power in the first place. They use their money to rig elections and buy favor from those in control of the elections. With Web 3.0 incorporated into government systems, we can pretty much say bye bye to that mess up.

Here on Hive, to be a witness you need to campaign for real votes from people and the people would have to be properly convinced that you would do good for the platform in order to vote for you. Hive and Web 3.0 although not perfect brings a better and more accurate representation of votes.


Decentralization or Distributed Decision-Making

This is my favorite thing about Web 3.0 systems, the Decentralization. Web 3.0 governance structures enable a network of decision makers reducing risks associated with centralized authority. There are more people taking part in decisions and these people are usually not some few guys seeking their interest but the interest of the platform.

The way Web 3.0 has been designed is such that if you make decisions against it, it affect you the decision maker as well and that's a very good system. Imagine if Government was using crypto as their payment or transactions mechanism, do you think you'll hear of they banning it in some countries. It's like hearing they just banned their currency, you might as well ban your whole country if you do that, hahaha.

Community Governance Consensus mechanisms would ensure collective decision being made in the Country and that would in the end prioritize the community’s interest over individual self-interests. This is true democracy and not what the governments are doing today.


Inclusivity and Empowerment

Two days ago I wrote a blog and made a statement about how Web 3.0 is very inclusive. The entire globe is connected to it and that I think is a great thing to have for governance. Global Participation Web 3.0 platforms cross geographical boundaries allowing for worldwide involvement in governance processes. You can literally see that play out here on Hive. Most, if not all my friends are from outside my country and I relate with them as if they're living in my neighborhood. We greet each other all the time and wish each other well. That's the power of Web 3.0 and it's good for the government.

Let's just say an election goes on in USA and you're a citizen but at the moment outside the country in let's say somewhere Africa. Yes there would be some conducted in the embassy but usually not everyone gets to vote and sometimes it could take so much time. Let's be honest that's even the easiest to manipulate since the corrupt party could mess with the outside voters or find a way to stop them from voting against the party. However with Web 3.0 you could do it anywhere during the time of elections.

Web 3.0. does so well in letting the people participate in government decisions so that at the end of the day the right decisions which should be in the interest of the people are always made.


Government and Capitalism

There have been scenarios where government would allow private owned factories to build their structures in neighborhoods and villages. These factories produce harmful gases and waste products that could be hazardous to the people living there.

However since those private companies pay government heavily and probably contribute to the government getting power through campaign funds, the government will permit the factories to be built there while it's against the people. With Web 3.0 this decision will solely be in hands of the people rather than the government. Honestly friends, Web 3.0 will make us bid farewell to corruption in everywhere aspect of our lives.


Challenges and Considerations

Although there are so many advantages to Web 3.0 Government systems, it's not going to happen that easily. There are quite a few challenges and I think the number one challenge is the government agreeing to have it.

They operate seeking more control everyday and Web 3.0 is designed to make them lose control. They definitely would put up a fight. There's also the question of how expensive it would be to implement Web 3.0 government control in a nation and who would fund it. Definitely not the government, it has to be the people. Although come to think of it, we are actually the ones that fund the government so if we all decide to fund Web 3.0 I think it can be possible.

It would be a problem of we agreeing. A lot of the big money is with centralized institutions like Black Rock, Apple, Meta, Amazon , Tesla and Google to name a few. These organizations love to play the monopoly game a lot may not be in favor of Web 3.0 however I think some not all of these organizations and the people have a common enemy, the Government.

At the end of the day, the responsibility is in our hands to make Web 3.0 really big and successful in the future. As cryptocurrency keeps gaining grounds, popularity and good identity in the world, more will adopt it. I always love when I see on the news, large corporations buying crypto, it's a great image for us and that would help in making this dream of Web 3.0 government a reality one day in the future.

Thank you so much for the time taken to read this blog. As always I would love your feedback on the topic discussion.

How long do you think it would take for this to happen if it should happen?

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