RE: Vote like a whale??? by using Ecency? tell me more!

I will give it to you though.

Your title is brilliant.

It's amazing how similar my story is too 😅

Years ago, one night, I got so sad that I wrote a post about wishing to be a whale. It was brilliant.

I wanted to be able to vote people and actually make a significant difference. It feels way better than getting upvotes most times. It's one of the reasons I'd do any curating job even if I get nothing in return. I know how it feels to have 3 cents or less on your post.

Ecency is the best. The idea of the points is wonderful. I literally gave me a superpower. For a long time I garnered a decent amount of points I figured I'd be using it for people. Up until recently I actually boosted some of my own post (awkward grin).

No way I'm not boosting this post asap 🤣

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