A Merry Memorable Holiday: A Recap of Christmas and New Year's with my Small Family

Hey there, lovely people!

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and a fantastic start to the new year. I wanted to share with you all a little recap of my Christmas holiday and the wonderful New Year's celebration I celebrated with my small, but mighty, family.

Christmas holiday, a time filled with love, festivities, and cherished moments, holds a special place in our hearts. This year, my small family had a delightful journey filled with gift wrapping, fun activities, virtual baking sessions, decorating gingerbread, and nights dedicated to board games. Adding even more excitement to the mix, and I received a remarkable surprise - a greenhouse gift from my parent-in-laws. Join me as I share the heartwarming details of our busy and joyful Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Busy Wrapping
As the holiday fervor set in, my days were filled with the delightful task of wrapping gifts for our son, for me and very few for my husband. And some presents from his side of the family and mine. Boy, let me tell you, I have been on a wrapping frenzy lately! With our tree up and shining, I started wrapping gifts like a maniac – for me, our son, and even my hubby. Now, here's the thing, my man ain't a big fan of receiving gifts. Nope, he's all about giving. But try telling that to him! He went on this crazy shopping spree, getting us presents left and right. I mean, I appreciate the love, but come on! It got to a point where I couldn't keep track of where to put all the gifts. Lol! I didn't want the tree to be hidden under a mountain of presents, you know what I'm saying? But hey, he's just trying to spoil us rotten, so who am I to complain? It may be a bit overwhelming, but it's all part of the Christmas craziness that I secretly love.

Virtual Baking Connection
Despite being physically apart, we were determined to share the joy of holiday baking with our loved ones. Through the magic of technology, we did a video call with my sister and her daughter in Kentucky.

I am totally excited about this new Christmas tradition my sister and I started this year. We decided to make cookies together with our little ones, and let me tell you, it was a blast. We put on our aprons, and got down to business. The kitchen was a mess, flour everywhere, but who cares? We were having so much fun! The best part was tasting the dough (because, let's be real, who can resist that?), and the cookies turned out delicious. Next time, we're totally gonna drag our other sister to join us too. It's going to be really fun, a cookie-making trio! Can't wait to keep this tradition going for years to come!

Gingerbread Delight
To complement our vibrant cookie collection, I decided to bake a gingerbread masterpiece from scratch. Our kitchen became a flurry of activity as my son and I rolled, and cut the dough into delightful shapes. My husband joined in the fun of putting the gingerbread house and we all decorated it with colorful icing and festive sprinkles, transforming it into a work of art. As we admired our masterpiece, we were reminded of the joy of creating together as a family.

Christmas Day
It was a cozy and heartwarming affair. We decided to keep things small and intimate this year, so it was just my husband, our little man, and me. We woke up to a cold rainy morning, (although snow is here yet, it's still the kind of day that makes you want to snuggle in a warm blanket and never leave. But, considering it was Christmas morning, we managed to put all our sleepiness aside.

Christmas has taken on a whole new level of excitement now that we have a little munchkin in our lives. The joy and wonder in our son's eyes just brings the magic of the holiday season to a whole new level. We can't help but be caught up in his enthusiasm, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Christmas morning. Whether Santa is real or not, we don't want to burst our little one's bubble of excitement. The night before Christmas, we watch as he carefully sets out cookies and milk for Santa and a carrot for the reindeer. And when Christmas morning finally arrives, we're just as giddy as he is. He went straight to the dinning table and inspect for the treats he left for his visitors last night. Then headed to the living room, we watched him tear into his presents from Santa's gift bag with excitement and pure bliss. It's moments like these that make being a parent even more incredible – trust me! Sharing in these precious moments and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Next, is our new traditional breakfast. We savored every bite of fluffy pancakes that I made from scratch. Plain pancakes for our son, while I savored the delightful taste of blueberry-infused ones and the temptation of chocolate chip-laden pancakes for hubby. Let's not forget the essential accompaniment of cold milk!

After breakfast, we all joined forces in the kitchen to prepare a mouthwatering feast for our Christmas dinner. The tantalizing smell of glazed ham and all the flavorful side dishes filled the house, creating an ambiance that was simply magical. As we chopped, mixed, and baked together, we couldn't help but hum a merry tune or two. The kitchen turned into a lively dance floor, where we swayed and twirled with the festive spirit. And oh, the tempting aroma of fresh milk rolls I baked, which almost took a leap into our plates!

The Greenhouse Surprise
Adding an unexpected twist to our Christmas celebrations, my parents-in-law bought me a greenhouse as a Christmas gift. Excitement filled my heart as I envisioned the possibilities that would unfold within its sturdy walls - cultivating my own garden oasis, nurturing various plants, and watching them flourish throughout the seasons.

Nights of Board Game Fun
When the sun dipped below the horizon, our evenings were filled with laughter and friendly competition as we gathered around the dining table for board game sessions. Whether it was strategizing in a game of checkers or unleashing bursts of laughter while playing UNO, these shared experiences deepened our family bonds and created precious memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Let me tell you, our board game collection is seriously getting out of control. But hey, can you blame us? Our son is at that perfect age where he's all about learning and having a blast, and board games are right up his alley. So, we've made it our mission to gather every awesome board game we can find. Like the classic Monopoly, the kids version of Monopoly Mancala (Sungka), Yahtzee, and so much more! Our living room has turned into a game night paradise. We love seeing our little man's face light up when draws a wild card of UNO or when we land on his property in Monopoly. It's quality time well spent and a chance to bond as a fam. Plus, who says board games can't be fun for adults too, right? So, bring on the game night marathon, because we're ready to conquer any board game challenge that comes our way!

The New Year
The day went by quickly, and it was time to say goodbye to Christmas and get ready for the upcoming New Year. Instead of spending the whole day and night cooking for New Year's Eve, my husband and I decided to do something different. We opted for pizza and key lime pie instead. Even though I was a bit disappointed that I wouldn't be making a home cooked meal, I realized that we spent the day playing board games and having meaningful conversations and cuddling, which was enjoyable.

We all gathered in our cozy living room. We chose to watch The Christmas Chronicles as it is a popular holiday film that is known for its entertaining and heartwarming storyline. Our decision was further influenced by our son's excitement and interest in the movie. Then after the movie, we wrapped up the evening with big hugs and shared our wishes and dreams for the year ahead.

Looking back, I can't help but feel so grateful for the precious moments and memories I shared with my small beloved family during this holiday season. It reminded me that the true essence of Christmas and New Year's lies in the love, laughter, and togetherness we share with those dear to us. No grand parties or extravagant gifts can replace the simple joy of spending quality time with the ones we hold most dear.

So, as we step into this new year, let's remember to cherish every moment, embrace new opportunities, and spread love and kindness wherever we go. Here's to a year filled with joy, adventure, growth, and beautiful memories!


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Welcome to my short blogs, a space where I share inspiring posts that you won't find on my blog page. If you're in the mood for longer reads, feel free to visit Purepinay's blog page.

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