Searching for my Soul Food

If you have ever suffered from some illness, then you maybe are more attuned to the importance of self-love and feeding your soul with goodness. Some of the experiences that many of us take for granted, others are suffering and cannot enjoy. Therefore we should appreciate ourselves and take care of ourselves as much as possible.

This doesn't mean involving in things such as gluttony or being idle. But for me, it means to try and be consciously aware and tune in to what is good for your body and soul.

I have done this through trial and error for example with food. Through the process of elimination, I have found some foods that were not making me feel good and now I exclude them.


What I do when I treat myself to some soul food usually does involve some food. A recent example is when I went to a local restaurant at the shopping mall that had some Indian food. I really like a good curry and prepare many myself, but if I'm treating myself, I would possibly go out to eat.

This is a vegetarian mushroom curry and naan bread. This would be nice meal time to enjoy with a friend and to socialise. If I was feeling more like being alone, I would cook myself and it is good for my soul to prepare a nice long meal for myself.


After eating, my next soul food would be some music. I would need to be in the zone to listen to the music though. An example for me would be with non-other than the King of Soul himself, James Brown.


Some other activities that I do to feed my soul would be going for a bike ride. This would allow me to get some fresh air and I can also explore the local area and get some exercise at the same time.


For my soul and self-love, so far I have food, music, and exercise. The final thing would be to sit and enjoy some silence. I don't do any meditation (although I probably should), but I just spend some time in silence and enjoy the peacefulness.

It feels great to just sit in silence and to have no noises or distractions. I think this can be helpful for your soul and destressing.

Thanks for reading.

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The title image was created in Canva with my own photo.

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