Odin and Andy

The activity of the pets at my daughters house is always fun to see. This video of Odin and Andy made me laugh and I wanted to share it with you!

Odin is a rescue cat. He was surviving here in my woods, and my daughter was able to tempt him into a pet carrier and he has become a well loved and pampered part of the family. His months living wild were hard on him and he somehow lost an eye.

Andy is an old guy whose previous loving owner ended up in a nursing home. My daughter agreed to adopting him so that he could live out his final days with her family. His final days have turned into years, although he is moving pretty slow these days, and can seldom be tempted to play with the cat anymore. But Odin continues to try!

Odin has decided that Andy is..... BORING!

After living in the city with his original owner Andy loves being able to spend time outdoors in his big fenced in backyard.

Pets bring us so much joy!

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