Independence Day in DC

Jeff and Ella were in Washington DC over the 4th of July and, as promised, they took photos to share with us.

It was Ella's first trip to the capital city and she found it 'truly beautiful' and quickly realized that she would need to spend a year there to see everything that she wanted to see. But they did pack a lot in to their visit!

Along with many other people, including this family dressed for the occasion in red, white and blue, they got to see fireworks on the mall.

The flags at the base of the Washington Monument were flying at half staff on President Biden's order. The President ordered U.S. flags to be flown at half-staff through July 10 to honor Shinzo Abe after the former Japanese prime minister was gunned down while campaigning for a parliamentary election.

They took hundreds of photos so expect to see a few more in my posts! I have many photos from DC of my own, but theirs are fresh and new!

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