Helping Hands-this week's Ed topic

@beeber has chosen HELPING HANDS for this week's - ECENCY Discord posting topic-. It is a subject that is near to my heart and is a perfect fit for Ecency.


Decent, Kind and Helpful

That is what Ecency means to me and what I have learned is most meaningful to me in my online experience.

I constantly see Ecencians being helpful to one another. They offer solutions for Hive issues, or share information to help others have a good experience on the blockchain. It makes me feel really good when I am able to help by sharing something that I have learned and see communties and people growing and becoming successful.

Hive offers us ways to be helpful each time we use our voting power or when we spread 2nd layer tokens around or use POINTS to give someone else a BOOST or an Ecency Tip.

When I first started here over 5 years ago I learned that @denissemata had a dream to take classes and become a pastry chef. I was able to help her pay for her classes by transfering some of the hive/steem that I earned. She made many posts about the wonderful things she was learning and I was able to give her my votes. I sent packages to Venezuela with gifts and supplies that she needed for class. Each year since Denise bakes a cake for me on my birthday and creates a post to help me celebrate my day.

Volunteering in a community when you see a need and giving your time helps everyone and you are rewarded with the opportunity to make friends and learn new things.

I recently learned that I could use PayPal to send a few dollars to @xplosive 's ' hunxplosive' account and I could instantly provide him with money for a few groceries or a blanket to stay warm on cold winter nights.

There are so many different ways to be helpful, and the end result is how good it makes you feel!

All of us need a HELPING HAND at one time or another and it can come in many different ways.

Reach out to help a friend and you may get cake, too!

ECENCY Discord posting topic

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