ECENCY Name the Whale Contest WINNERS announcement

What better name for our Essential Ecency whale than Esie? Great name, @jamerussell

Name the Ecency Whale by James Russell

Your name selection received the most votes from our contest judges and for offering this delightful name choice for the adorable Ecency Whale created by @dunsky you are the- WINNER of 5000 Ecency POINTS

Be sure and read these wonderful whale stories that also had great name selections!

@davot, @snook, @wrestlingdesires For your creative and awesome stories about our beloved whale, you have each - been awarded with 2000 POINTS


Wrestlingdesires story

@Wrestlingdesires story is about a whale who helps everyone while expecting nothing in return. He only asks us to 'just do a kindness to the next one you meet who needs it.'


@davot's story

A great story from @davot about how the people learned the animals were the owners of the world and they were only guests and how the whale helped them find 5 treasure chests full of Ecency coins.


Snook's Tale

Don't miss @snooks story about what a good job the little whale is doing elevating quality content and keeping Content Bay a nice place to be.


Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this contest so much fun! It was difficult to choose only one name.

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