10 Signs You're A Member Of Biden's Cult


Cult is a strong word, and that is exactly why I chose it

It is no secret that there is a huge, nearly cult-like following of the current president Joe Biden. It goes above and beyond just simply having voted for him - although that was mistake # 1.

You are probably reading this article for one of two reasons:

You absolutely do not support the current president and you want to read what I have to say or you are yourself a member of the Biden cult even though you will aggressively deny it.

So without further ado, here are 10 signs that you are in the Biden cult :

  1. You STILL stand by the president.
    Maybe you voted for him and you regret it, but if you’ve still got a hard-on for the president, you might be in the Biden cult.

  2. BUILD BACK BETTER is written in your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter bio even though he has not made America better again or at all…

  3. You have an undying love for the work he has done to improve the economy even though literally everything is going to shit.
    The world could be on fire from nuclear war, and you would still be like “unemployment is down ___ % #BUILD BACK BETTER #loltrumpiesnowflakes

  4. You like to call people that disagree with the president “trumpie snowflakes” or “nazis” despite the fact that you are the most angry and easily upset and racist population I have ever witnessed.

  5. You say things like “trump was never my president.”

  6. You follow the occupy democrats non-ironically.

  7. You think any news outlet that doesn’t kiss Biden’s ass is fake news or “disinformation

  8. When asked about why you voted for Joe Biden you never really give a definitive answer, instead you go off on a tangent about how “evi” Donald trump is..

Bonus points if you’ve ever called him “drumph”

  1. You listen to and enjoy the views of jimmy kimmel or stephen colbert

  2. By the end of this article, you’ve resonated with several items on the list but continue to love the president and blindly support him.

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