*** I find it important to declare my perspective as a citizen of the United States of America, born and raised here with the history covered in school from the manipulative perspective that is the Department of Education standards I find out more and more everyday how little I actually learned in the time it took to Graduate High School. Then when college came around I was majoring in Business when after a few years I was frustrated with the, "Doing it all for a piece of paper feeling."

As I went through school growing up, when the question of "What do you want to be "when you grow up" "in life" "after you graduate" etc would become unavoidable I would spit something out like doctor or lawyer because they made a lot of money, it was long and boring to get the degree, impressed old people with the young ambition. Not one time did I think that I was actually going to do anything that I said. The thing was I consciously knew that I was bullshitting everyone but subconsciously was where all the processing was going on that I had no idea was happening that influenced and shaped my inability to pick the concrete plan for the rest of my life.

Consciously I knew that my stomach did not feel right when I gave my best possible "Give em what they want." type of speech. I knew i was full of shit But I could not have ever been able to tell you why. I would ask myself over and over and over but my mind would as best as I can explain go into overload mode. It would be an instant panic attack and cognitive shutdown while I just repeated in my head, " I have no clue. Stop asking me this!!!!"

Subconsciously I was thinking of an important lesson that I learned from my dad growing up. One day while working in the yard with him dragging brush, I told him that I had decided I wanted to be an attorney. He asked me what kind of attorney and I had not thought that far forward. "Not a prosecutor right? Nobody in this family is going to respect a prosecutor. That is not okay. Now a defense attorney alright." were his next words.

My father went on to explain that the respect for the defense attorney was not because the Prosecutor was a bad person or a bad position. It was a necessary part of justice. However the prosecution can pick and choose what cases they will bring to trial, often have virtually unlimited resources and large staff teams, get a lot of credit for doing the right thing and being the good guy. Where the defense attorney , specifically public defenders, because part of being an attorney he said is doing pro bono work for the Public Defenders office to put your dues in before you open a private firm and charge the prices attorneys do but then you can do it with a clean conscious and respectfully while actually offering your clients services that are equal and fair to the high prices that come with attorney retainers. Public defenders often have small staff teams and have huge case loads, enabling them to only spend hours or even as little as a few minutes per case to uphold your rights as an American Citizen and to have due process. After all of that and they do a great job they still don't get credit and they are called shady and criminal for helping "obviously guilty criminals get away from justice." To be a prosecutor was taking the path to being mediocre while the path to defense attorney was the path to being the best that there was.

It was at the same time explained to me that it was better to have the passion to be the best garbage man than to be a doctor that was okay with being mediocre. "If anyone else can do it then you can to. If they are better it means they have tried harder and put more energy into it than you. If you match their drive and energy and push yourself further there is nothing you cannot achieve. Nobody is better or smarter than you because they did it first. Life is not a race and everything does not have to happen at the same speed for everyone. Be okay with that. Do not get pressured into living a life that is not the life made of your dreams." are the words that stuck with me from that conversation the strongest. So much so that they are no longer processed by my conscious thought process but rather entirely by my subconscious.

Once you have these kind of perspectives that become so ingrained into your psyche and how you think then you will process them autonomously often without the ability to even understand or catch what you are doing, Then you will begin to start every question, every conversation, reading every book, or watching every movie like it's a game of 21 questions and you are starting on question 1 with the knowledge like you have already asked 21 questions and every one of your 21 questions is equivalent to another 21 questions of knowledge.

The practiced observant conscious mind that is capable of going back in time and reducing this reasoning from their past thought processes and those that are less proficient at is is the divide in the people that are labeled as slow learners vs accelerated learners. While the few individuals that are able to read these subconscious processes that occur in other individuals at the same time we are processing them about ourselves and other individuals then those are the highly gifted and those capable of a type of "10 steps ahead of you mind reading."

I know understand that I believed both consciously and instinctually that my father was correct about being able to do what anyone else could do. Mentally that is. However, while it was a scarce thought to my conscious self I knew subconsciously that I tried my hardest every single day at football and at wrestling. I in my heard knew that nobody else that was faster than me or stronger than me was that way because they tried harder. I put my every last drop into every single play and drill every single time. To exhaustion. But I was still slow as hell. It was not until I was going to college and I had learned the proper form to jog that I was able to improve my cardio and actually improve.

This was important to learn because it meant that I could actually do things like become an NFL player but not with dumb brute force. I would have to use brain power too. Although playing in the NFL is not a goal that I had my eyes set on it was in the eyes of the quarterback of my elementary school, pee-wee football team and fellow classmate Joey Burrow. Joey moved to Athens when I was in 3rd grade. The same grade that you were able to sign up for the football team. Good ol' Smashmouth Football in southeast Ohio. Athens, Ohio to be specific. I mean this is someone who I learned how to do multiplication and division with at the same time I am offensive tackle for him and he wins the college national championship and gets picked #1 in the NFL draft with a $50 million signing bonus to the Cincinnati Bengals. When I watched the draft I literally broke out in tears for Joey. I knew that growing up all he ever wanted was to play football. Well except for our 6th grade yearbook when he picked his life career as a NBA Player. But he did it.

Recently I finished reading, "The Pioneers." by David McCullough. A book that details the lives of the pioneers that burned the trees down braved the horrors of uncertainty to settle, "The Ohio Country." Specifically the part of the OHio country that would become Marietta Ohio. What is now a tiny little town about 40 miles away from Athens Ohio was THE PLACE TO BE on the western front of the United States. Pioneers like Ephram Cutler, Rufus Putnum, Joseph Carter, and Samuel HIldrith. This group of men lived everyday like it would be their last and worked thier hardest with no excuses. They were well respected and even relied upon by the other people in town for their strength, leadership, and guidance. They also had faith in them and knew that these men would NEVER consider an act that would put their prosperity above that of another individual and would certainly never find profits in their life at the expense of a loss to others.

Rufus Putnum became governor of Ohio, with Ephram serving in the legislature along with his son for many many years. But they were not meeting constantly like politicians do now. The constitution set requirements for congress to convene and to determine what would constitute a quorum etc because these men had fields of crops to attend to and land to homestead. They put these requirements so that politicians would know when the time came that as a public servant the interest of the community and the people became more important than the success of their personal lives and their crops. or rather when they would be expected to have found help to take their place. These men had skin in the game. Rufus Putnum was governor because he had chopped the most trees down and killed the most deer. You gave the man that fed you and kept you safe when you arrived to marietta respect and knew he did not have to do any of that for you but did out of the kindness of his heart.

We no longer have that in politicians. Also gone are the days of tar and feathers. Now we have politicians that have dignity in levels so small and insignificant that the founding fathers like RUfus Putnam could have never anticipated such spineless treasonous greedy thieves to hold office. If they tried he would have kicked their asses. While everyone cheered. ***

"A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right. - Time makes more converts than reason." as said by Thomas Paine in the opening of Common Sense. Even if you have studied The American Revolution, The writing of the founding fathers, The Founding Documents, etc go listen to or read, "Common Sense," by Thomas Paine. I personally recommend the $0.99 audiobook on Google Play. Thomas Paine was always full of wisdom. Such as, "IF you are afraid to offend someone, you will not be able to be honest with them."

John Adams said, "Our constitution is only fit to govern over a society that is made of moral and religious people." The problem with that is that politicians are no longer moral and religious nor do they hold any sense of dignity. Which is why the resignation of Borris Johnson came as a shock to me. After pressure from 50 of his fellow party members he resigns. Due to his promotion of an individual who was facing allegations of sexual misconduct as well as for having lavish parties at his mansion while the rest of the country was restricted from doing so and sat under strict Quarantine measures.

It is always fascinating to me to see where different groups of people decide to "draw the line" Weather it be between logic and illogical, reasonable and unreasonable, conspiracy vs plausibility, moral or immoral, etc. So here we are in the United States letting politicians do whatever they want and in the UK the Prime Minister and 50 legislators resigned because of 1 person throwing some parties and promoting someone who was not yet guilty of crimes but was a possibly immoral individual. Bravo UK! Way to go! IT gave me hope and faith that change is still possible. I am just not sure when americans will be able to drop the red vs blue democrat vs republican fight and stand together as people vs tyranny and make real change happen. IT seems as if everyone thinks the only way that change can happen is through Civil War and bloodshed with the 2nd amendment. Well guess what the Civil War was not protected under the 2nd amendment but it happened anyway. How we make change happen is through Constitutional Amendments. With a 3/4 majority. That is why the concept of voting for a single politician seems silly and like a waste of time to me. You need people to get together enough to have a ticket of politicians that would hold all seats needed to push through Constitutional Amendments. Do not vote for one if you do not vote for all of them.

Then they can follow through with the promises that they make. More importantly if they do not follow through they will have nobody to blame but themselves and can be held accountable. It is easy when you always get to make the excuse of not having enough time. Or blaming the other party. I have yet to have a job I got to blame my mistakes on my coworkers everytime. We need more common sense in politics. FOr example why is one of the biggest mysteries about every President, " what will they achieve in their first 100 days in office?" WHY IN THE HELL ARE WE VOTING FOR PEOPLE TO RUN OUR COUNTRY WHO CANNOT SUBMIT A SCHEDULE/CALENDAR THAT OUTLINES THEIR FIRST 100 DAYS???

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